
Microbes are a micro organism. viruses are the smallest microbe then bacteria then fungi the largest micro organism.


Viruses are the most dangerous micro organism then bacteria then fungi if you don’t eat it.


Hello, I’m going to tell you what microbes are. Microbes are microscopic the kinds of microbes are fungi, bacteria and viruses, there is lots more but we are only learning about those three.

Fungi is the biggest microbe we know and the virus is the smallest. Here is some of the microbes:

Mycobacterium form of bacteria

mycobacterium is the bacteria that causes tuberculosis(TB) its one of the top ten causes of death worldwide.

Penicillium form of fungus

penicillium is the fungus that produces the antibiotic penicillin.

Lymphocryptovirus a form of virus

This causes an illness known as the kissing disease or glandular fever transmission requires close contact.

This is only a small amount of microbes!

By Kaitlyn


Yesterday we were doing microbes. we were playing a card game the card game was like top trumps. if you wanted to play their is number of species danger to humans usefulness to humans max size [nm] antibiotic resistance.

learning about microbes 8/3/22


We were learning about microbes yesterday. Fungus is the biggest kind. It can be microscopic to a toadstool’s size, and even bigger.

Viruses go inside your cells and make duplicates of themselves inside your body. They can range from a common cold to something deadly.

Bacteria is everywhere, even inside you. It helps you live. A small amount though, make you ill.

Here are some different types, and some info (according to the top trumps microbes cards)


Max size (nm): 1500

Number of species: 1

Danger to humans: 200

Usefulness to humans: 0

Antibiotic resistance: n/a

-It is commonly known as Ebola. Luckily, there was a vaccine in 2019, after 25-90% of people died 🙁


Max size (nm) 1500

Number of species: 125

Danger to humans: 0

Usefulness to humans: 195

Antibiotic resistance: 10

It is very common and usually harmless to humans. It’s bacteria often used in the making of cheese and yoghurt.


Max size (nm): 1000

Number of species: 19

Danger to humans: 174

Usefulness to humans: 20

Antibiotic resistance: 90

It has mutated to be resistant to antibiotics. It can cause severe infections.


Max size (nm): 25

Number of species: 2

Danger to humans: 28

Usefulness to humans: 14

Antibiotic resistance: n/a

It is widely known as the common cold. Lots of people get is, especially kids.

Bye!!! 😀


There are 3 different types of microbes they are fungus, virus and bacteria and fungus is the biggest and viruses is the smallest. There are thoused of microbes on your body and your food but you need some microbes. You need a microscope to see them because there so tiny.


By Bailey


Learning at Holywood { more specifically } Microbes :)

Hello there! How are you all?

This week we have got a new topic! I present to you…. [drumroll please] ….. MiCRoBeS!!!!!!! We have learnt that there are three different types of MiCRoBeS – these three different MiCRoBeS are the following: fungi, bacteria and… viruses :(. Did you know that most ViRuSeS are spread by not washing hands properly  [WOW! that is true and aren’t we all shocked by this]. ViRuSeS include- covid, norovirus and lots more. BaCtEria is EVERYWHERE! Some BaCtEria is good whereas some are harmful. Lastly,  FuNGi grows on old food, rooting fruit, dead animals and anything that was once alive…..  dun, dun, DUN. Okay I was a bit dramatic, putting the dun, dun, DUN at the end of the sentence about FuNGi! 😀 

That’s all from me for a now, so… BYE!!! 🙂 😀 O






recently at school we have been learning about microbes there are five types of microbes , bacteria ,virus, fungi, Archean and algae we are learning are only learning about fungi ,viruses and bacteria. Fungi is the biggest microbe and viruses are the smallest viruses are not free living the need another living living cell i order to survive bacteria is free living so they do not need a host to survive microbes are microscopic and cannot be see by the eye alone. bacteria lives every where in water in the air and even on your skin. most bacteria is harmless but some can cause disease.

LEARNING WITH RHONA!!! (Your favourite show!) THEME TUNE! Learning with Rhonaaaa lots of grapes! (Don’t ask) learrrning with Rhooona she ate some taaape! (Do not question my greatness).

HELLO! WE ARE learning abouttttt……. (DuHuHhHhh DEeEhEeh) MICROBES! Yeah I know it’s really fun. 🙂 We are learning about fungus, bacteria and lastly but by no means least, (I got that from the Australian guy) we are doing VIRUSES! (You know, like covid.)  I am enjoying it so far but there is ONE thing that isn’t related to microbes that I might have to do today or tomorrow…. I NEED TO PRESENT MY WORLD RELIGION PROJECT WITH ERIN IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE P1-2 CLASS! D: (OH GOSH). I already know it will be extremely awkward and I may die of cringe right there and THEN! O.O

We are ALSO doing a pumpkin challenge to see who can grow the biggest one and I think I might have got one of the big pumpkins and I KNOW my little Zane (that’s the name of the pumpkin. Don’t judge me) is gonna win! When he’s grown I’m gonna draw a massive face on him. 🙂

Ok, see ya soon! From Rhona, the best cow in the pen.








let me tell you about  some microbes both (viruses )                    

Influenza:                                                        Rhinovirus:

max size = 90 ( nm)                                    max size=25( nm)

number of species = 1                               number of species=2

Danger to humans=146                           danger of humans=28

usefulness to humans =12                       usefulness to humans=14

antibiotic resistance=n/a                          antibiotic resistance=n/a

Microbes from Contijn

Yesterday (Monday)  we learned about microbes.                        We learned what are the smallest microbes and the biggest !     Fungi is the biggest microbe and viruses are the smallest. There are bacteria as well they are free-living micro organisms they live in water in the ground and in the air. Viruses are the opposite of free-living they only can live in an other living organism. Here -> are some viruses Coronavirus, Filovirus. Rhino-virus, Lyssavirus and tobamovirus. And the last organism that we learned about is fungi here some fungus -> Aspergillus, Candida, Penicillium and Tinea This where the things we learned about

Greetings Contijn

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