Hi! It’s Rhona back! I’m here to tell you about my learning. So! Something big is coming closer and closer! THE SCHOOL SHOW! It is called…. (drum roll please) EDDIE THE PENGUIN SAVES THE WORLD! It’s all about climate change. So one of the reason I am really excited about this show is because………… I wrote a part for the actual school show! 😀 😀 😀 :D! I wrote the bee part of it and Miss Dale kind of tweaked it because I didn’t really finish it. 0.0 We will be practising it so that we know our parts (obviously) and we can decide what part we want.
The OTHER big news, is that we went to the Crichton on Friday and you probably already know this, as we asked you for permission to go, AND you probably know what we have been doing by the state of us when we came home, BUT if you didn’t guess, we were (inhale) CLIMBING TREES, SLIDING DOWN MUCKY HILLS, RUNNING AROUND, PLAYING, TELLING STORIES, EXPLORING, SEEING A RIVER AND ACCIDENTALLY DROPPING YOUR HOODIE IN IT (in my case…. i got it out don’t worry… it was just a bit wet) PLAYING IT, FINDING WEIRD PLANTS, PETTING DOGS, AND LOADS OF FUN STUFF! 🙂 Bye!