So, this is what we did last week:
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, we have maths, and we do partitioning numbers, and sumdog. on Fridays the Sumdog house is open :D.
On Wednesday, we did a 30 word spelling quiz.
On Thursday we had different stations in PE, where we were in groups of 2. There was yoga, tyre rolls up and down the hill, and shuttle runs and some more. We were micro-bit coding.
We were making up parts for a script, and 2-4 characters in groups.
We were learning about COP26 and climate change, and what is good and bad for the planet.
I wasn’t here on Monday, but there was sketchnotes of the environment.
Today we were partitioning numbers. We were also doing spelling.
We are going to French very soon, we’re going to play French Simon Says!