Hi everyone!
I’ve been doing lots of fractions! My head is full of fractions. I’ve done all the work on equivalent fractions and now finished all the work on simplifying fractions. I’ve got really good at simplifying them. I think I’ve got the hang of it and now will be attempting the Sumdog challenge. I already did a bit but wanted more practice before I did more. I’ve also done my 5-a-day spicy level. I thought I was stuck on one question but my Mum was helping Rory with something. I realised I could do it and didn’t need help after all. I also did the first Sudoku. We are starting to be a bit Sudoku mad in this house now! I’ve got a Sudoku app.
I did a piece of writing about being away for Christmas. I planned it all out before I wrote it.
For Christmas 2019 we travelled to Aviemore to stay in a hotel for Christmas day. It was me, Rory, my Mum and Dad. We travelled by car and it was about 4 hours traveling time.
On Christmas morning I woke up with joy knowing it was Christmas. I was over the moon to open my presents. Me and Rory both opened Santa’s presents first. My favourite present from Santa was a Toki Doki unicorn with a hippocampus tail. It was blue with a golden tail, golden horn, and a beautiful diamond on her side. I decided to name her Diemealia.
After opening all the presents from Santa we all went to the restaurant in the hotel. I stuffed my face with croissants because they tasted delicious! I had 4 croissants. I had some fruit just to stay healthy as well. After breakfast we all headed back to the room to open the rest of the presents. My favourite present I got from my parents was a game called Pokemon Shield. I love Pokemon and I was delighted when I saw that they got me it.
Suddenly we saw 5 reindeer outside the hotel. There was 1 white reindeer and 4 hazel brown reindeer. It turned out they were Santa’s reindeer. We walked outside to go and meet the reindeer. I was able to stroke them. Their coats felt like velvet. I love reindeer a lot. They are one of my favourite animals.
We went back to our room and sat down to rest for a bit because we were about to go swimming. My Dad didn’t want to swim so only my Mum, Rory and I left the room after about an hour rest. Swimming is one of my favourite sports. I used to go to swimming class, but it got a bit boring because I already knew how to swim. I swam around like a dolphin a lot. There was a bigger pool and a smaller one. We were allowed in both, but we stayed in the bigger one for most of the time. There were only 1 or 2 other people there so we had a lot of space. The smaller pool had a slide that was yellow and brown. It was quite a small slide.
After swimming for about an hour or so we went back to the room and dried off. For Christmas dinner Rory and I had a buffet while our parents had a traditional Christmas dinner. There was a lot of delicious food. I ate mountains of food because I was famished. I had 3 plates that left me stuffed. My parents ordered me a dessert that had a hard honey glass bit on top that you had to break and the inside tasted soft and creamy. It tasted like heaven.
That evening we all went to the cinema that was in a hotel next door to the one we were staying in. The cinema room was massive! It was dark and cavernous. The movie we went to see was Star wars: Rise Of Skywalker. I’m not always into Star Wars, but I did enjoy the movie. After the interesting movie we watched we were heading back to the hotel and we realised there were fireworks going off. We decided to watch the firework display before heading inside. The fireworks were bright and loud.
The day had been busy and exhausting.To finish our day off we all got back to the room and watched tv while going to sleep.
We have watched an episode of Horrible Histories today as it’s one of Rory’s favourite shows right now.
I hope you are all well and keep safe! Keep smiling.
Cleo x
Hi Chloe
Enjoyed reading your blog; very well presented.
And it does sound like you had a wonderful and memorable Christmas break in 2019. How did 2020 compare?
Hi Cleo,
I am sure you’ll do well on the Sumdog challenge!
You made that Christmas Day sound fabulous! Great detail, describing your favourite present and also the pool and the food. Pleased you had a good time.
Keep going with the maths – you have shown yourself that you can do it if you keep trying. Well done.
Sounds like you have been working hard on your maths. Glad to hear that you are getting the hang of the fractions work- well done! Fantastic piece of writing Cleo. Your choice of language and details created a vivid picture which I could see in my head. It sounds like an amazing Christmas day!
Well done Cleo – a detailed and engaging piece of writing. Your choice of language and description made it feel like we were there too. I’m thinking dessert might have been creme brulee as this is one of my favourites and it tastes exactly as you described it.
You varied your sentence length too – well considered.
Next steps: try to use a wider variety of punctuation. Consider more powerful sentence openers – Frequently, Occasionally,
Excellent work – thank you!!