Big Blog.

Hello Team Holywood! I hope you are all doing well.

Today l did some reading on Epic. I read “ The Sisters Grimm, The Unusual Suspects”, and “ The Dark Lord Clementine”. I also made a snowflake out of beads and pipe cleaners.  On Wednesday l learnt about two arctic explorers one of them was, Ann Bancroft and the other was Rosie Stancer. Here is some information about them.

Rosie Stancer

  • Rosie has traveled to North Pole and the South Pole.
  • Later on she tried  to travel to the North Pole solo but failed.
  • On one of her attempts she needed to amputate two of her toes to survive.
  • Rosie is 61 years old now.
  • Rosie was born in Scotland.


Ann Bancroft

  • Ann was the first women to ski and dog sledge solo across the Arctic  without refilling supplies once!
  • She was born in the United States Of America.
  • She is now 73 years old.
  • Ann, like Rosie, traveled to the South Pole.

l also set up an arctic theme made out of Lego it was great fun. I liked learning about the arctic and can’t wait to do some more next week.



4 Replies to “Big Blog.”

  1. These are great facts Ori, I think we tend to hear more about famous male explorers so it’s been really interesting reading about some women who have gone out adventuring too! Although I’m not sure I have what it takes – I don’t think I could cut a toe off!
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Thank you for recommending some books to read on EPIC. Hope you enjoyed them Ori. Great research on Rosie Stancer and Ann Bancroft – I really enjoyed reading these facts. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Hi Ori,
    I am pleased you chose to research Ann Bancroft and Rosie Stancer because these are less well-known explorers, but their adventures were still exciting. Glad you are having fun learning about the Arctic. Those Lego sets are great! Have a good weekend.

  4. The books you read on Epic sound interesting, Oriana and you have some great facts about your explorers – they sound like very interesting and inspirational women.

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