Hi all, Caspian is back!
Today I have been researching Glenn Miller, the American band leader. He played the trombone, and during the second World War, his ‘plane disappeared over the English Channel prompting many conspiracy theories to this day. I have been listening to some of his music arrangement (see title above). I learnt about syncopated rhythm like that in Chattanooga Choo Choo. It is not my kind of music but I know it is important to at least understand different musical types and from different eras. I give Moonlight Serenade a 1 out of 10, Chatanooga Choo Choo 4.5 out of 10. My scores are only on personal taste not the arrangement.
Tonight, we are playing my Doctor Who board game.
Sounds like an interesting day Caspian! Enjoy the board game with your family
I agree its always good to give different styles of music a go Caspian.
Good honest opinions Caspian .
You have learned a lot about Glenn Miller Caspian. Hope you enjoyed playing your board game!
Your Doctor Who board game sounds interesting, Caspian. It is interesting to see how music has developed.