Movie night

Tonight me and my mum decided to have a movie night. I looked on my Nexflix account and found a movie. It was called airplane mode. We watched quite a bit of it but we are going to watch the rest tomorrow night. It was a really nice night. Hope you enjoyed my blog bye. By Orla.

We’ll Meet Again 😪

Today I wrote some of my Winnie the Witch book to help improve my handwriting and spelling. I learnt about Dame Vera Lynn who was the forces sweetheart in the second world war. She died today. She was 103 years old.

Love Tanith xx


Dame Vera Lynn

Hi all Caspian is back today I will be telling you about Dame Vera Lynn. (Sadly, she died today)

Dame Vera Lynn was a normal London girl before her mum encouraged her to sing for the troops of WWII. Her No.1 hit was ”We’ll Meet Again”.                               She encouraged the troops on to win the war and they did. They said they could not win the war without her encouragement.

See ya tomorrow!!!!!!

Are you camping out?

Bailey and I have got the tent up in the back garden.

Will you be camping out in your back garden tonight?

If you are, have fun!!

Miss Dale


Our den!!!!

Hi everyone

Today in the morning me mum and my sister made a den. We used

  • close pegs
  • rope
  • posts
  • blankets

Here is a photo of me in our den and one of us making it.

Big Thursday Week In The Woods🌲🌿🎍🍀🌱☘️🍃🌴🌳🌲🌵🌹🌸🌷🌺💐🥀🍁🍂🍄

Hello everyone! How are you all? Today l made a den in my garden using two pillows,  a lot  of blankets, rope and rocks! It is sheltered but has a good view to our left! 

Here is a picture


I also done some shadow art. I done a cactus 🌵, a tree 🌳 and a stick.


See you later! Oriana

Thursday 18th June week in the woods

We have been to Ae forest today. I made my own den. We found sticks and used the big tree to help put the den up. The midges were biting us which was abit annoying.

We found hundreds and hundreds of foxgloves.  They are so tall and really pretty. They are taller than me.

I collected leaves from different trees so tomorrow I am going to stick them on paper and write the names of the tree.

Bye x ☺️

Pheasant facts

Today I was learning about pheasants, my granny and grandpa have very tame pheasants in their garden, I love to feed them.

I also water some plants last night -hope you don’t mind! 🙊


Making a catapult from Lollysticks!


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