Today my grandad was doing his gardening when he spotted a birds nest. The birds nest had eggs in it but my grandad said the eggs look if they have been abandoned and in bad condition. There was a cracked one but it had weird stuff in it. That wraps up today’s blog bye. By Orla.
Dotty lost her spot
Starts Monday 15th June at your house!
Look out for the Week in the Woods learning grid on Monday.
Will you be camping out in your garden on Thursday night like Miss Stapleton and the staff team?!
Sentences from word list
Yesterday I made 2 ice gardens using plants and flowers
I put some plants and flowers and water into 2 different tubs then froze it. In the morning I proceeded to put the tubs into hot water which made a little bit of the ice melt which made it easier for me to get it out with out cracking it.
Here are some photos.
Ok, so there’s a lot of photos but comment if you think I did a good job,or don’t I’m not the boss of you.
I’m going to do the ice sculpture next so check back!
by Hannah.
Friday 12th June
Hi everyone,
Yesterday we were out for the full afternoon walking, we went for a walk at Ae forest and then from Dock Park to Kingholm Quay – Mum says it was to burn off our energy!!
I have been working for a few days on coding my own game for Roblox, I am still working on it and it is taking a lot of time and concentration. I am creating a survival based game.
How many seconds I’ve been alive
I have been alive for roughly 370,801,800 seconds.
I had no idea it would not even be billions.
By Charlie
Ancient Rome
Hi again,
I forgot to mention, I have also been helping my step dad Mark (Mark Montgomery) do some research for his latest book. He is nearing the end of a crime novel set in a Roman fort in Cumbria. I have read some of the Vindolanda letters to help him look at normal life in a Roman fort. I want to be a writer like him when I’m older.
DC Encyclopedia
Hi all,
I have come to tell you all about the book I have been reading lately, my DC Encyclopedia. I have been reading about the Lantern Corps, all or which are powered by the emotional spectrum. I have also been reading about the Flash and many of his allies. Some of the origins are a bit too hard to explain. I decided to talk about this book because I have a large obsession with DC at the moment. I hope you’ve all been reading good books as well.