Hello everybody how are you all?
l would like to introduce Maxyi the monster to you all. He is vivid green and has short, curved ears. He has three different sized eyes. His teeth are bumpy and he lost one of them. Maxyi is a friendly monster, he loves red, crunchy, juicy apples and fresh, cold water. He has three wings and dislikes raisins and LIARS! Maxyi has twelve squiggly tentacles as legs. His home is the amazon rainforest. His square nose and yellow slime on his body makes him stand out from the other monsters. Oriana
Hello Ori, I am very well thank you! How are you?
Your drawing of Maxyi is fab. You have chosen to include great vocabulary in your writing too! Great work!
What a fantastic description Ori. He is a very unique looking monster. I like how you have drawn the tentacles to look like they are overlapping. Great work!
Hi Mrs Brockie Donald and Mrs Jardine l am very well thank you.
I like the yellow goo on the monster.CUTE!!!!!

Fantastic description and drawing of your monster Ori. Well done!
Wow Ori I love your character description, you’ve used such good phrases in there. Excellent writing!
Wow, your monster looks amazing Oriana – that’s a beautiful illustration of him and a great description.