Hi! How is everyone.
Today I completed three challenges ! The first challenge was that I wasn’t allowed talk for forty minutes and I could only use sign language. I had to write a few thing down because mummy and Mena couldn’t understand me. The second challenge was the lava challenge, where I had to make my way through the garden on obstacles without touching the grass. I was nominated for this challenge by one of my friends. Me and Mena completed the challenge and it was great fun. The last challenge was on Sumdog which Miss Brockie- Donald set us. I had two hundred questions to answer! I started it yesterday and finished it today. We also studied jems as well as rocks, to identify them I used my rocks and minerals book. By Oriana
Which obstacles did you use to cross the garden Orianna? I’ve seen some great videos of guys doing this across their own gardens, looks fun! I’m impressed you managed not to talk for 40 minutes, I think I would really struggle with that!
Which gems and rocks did you identify?
I would never be able to complete that talking challenge Ori, go you!
Well done for completing this weeks Sumdog challenge, spend your coins wisely.
Sounds like you had a fun and busy day Ori! We have been nominated for the Floor is Lava challenge too – looking forward to it!