Time to hang up the ‘Dog Collar’ !

After 25 years of association with Hardgate School, Rev. Norman Hutcheson, minister of Dalbeattie and Urr Parishes, has decided to retire. He has been coming here on vitually a weekly basis to our school assemblies and over time has become known as ‘Story Man’.  He has counted up and reckons he must have told about 900 stories to the children over these 25 years. Today was no exception, and he told us his last story at a special leaving assembly where the children had some special songs and poems to include.

He was presented with an engraved bowl with a picture of the school on one side and the school logo and his name on the other. Mrs Hutcheson recieved a lovely basket of flowers in the school colours and then both cut the sponge cake which was baked by our school cook and served along with tea for the adults and juice for the children. Not only did he come to school assemblies, but he assisted with school trips, both day trips and overnight ones with all stages throughout the school, as well as being a serving member on our Parent Council at various stages over the years.

Mr and Mrs Hutcheson are now going to spend a year in Sri Lanka, working with a Church out there, and we all send them our best wishes for a long and happy retirement.

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