Generation Science

Today Generation Science came to Cargenbridge. We learned about electricity. We learned how to get electricity to Hex Bugs.


‘I enjoyed it because it was funny.’ Reece

‘I enjoyed the Hex Bug race.’ Lochlan

‘I liked generating the electricity.’ Daniel

It was a great morning!


Fun in the Snow!

P 4/5 and P6/7 were given the choice of indoor or outdoor Golden Time today. We did building and played games. Reilly, Finley, Jay, Rogan, Aidan and I all built a fort. We were panning to throw snowballs at any invaders. It was freezing but fun! By Ryan

Gymnastics Competition

A huge well done to the two gymnastics teams that competed in the regional gymnastics competition at the weekend.

Level 1: Eva, Kasey, Abby and Zara

Level 2: Kyle, Millie, Rose and Islay

Both teams performed very well and did themselves and the school proud.  Cargen enjoyed his day out too! Well done teams!

Burns Competition

A huge well done to Madelaine, Charlotte, Millie, Joseph, Kasey, Gabriella and Jay who competed today in the Regional Burns Competition at Dumfries Academy.  Everyone received excellent feedback – we are very proud of you all!

A special well done to Gabriella who was placed third for playing a lovely Scots medley on the piano.

A huge well done to Charlotte who was placed second for her medley of Burns songs on her accordion – fantastic! Charlotte will now represent the school and region at the National finals in Falkirk. Well done Charlotte!

Great work everyone!

Computer Club

We  had a busy night at Computer Club. Lots of people were using Scratch to make simple computer  games. Some people were being creative, writing poems and creating their own presentations. Others played  Sum Dog to improve their maths skills. Next week some of us are going to learn how to  use the Microbits.

P4/5 learning about the 1940s

P4/5 are working very hard learning about life in the 1940s. They have been following up their learning at home by talking to family members, trying out recipes and gathering primary sources from the time. This week we learned about The Blitz. In the next few weeks we will be completing activities linked to Rationing and  Make Do and Mend. We are looking forward to showing parents our work at the half past two event.  Well Done P4/5!

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