Scottish Poetry in School 2024:
To celebrate Burns Day at Calside Primary, pupils are asked to learn a Scottish poem. They are given the choice of poems and should select one to learn and recite. Please see the poems for each year group below. These will also be sent home in the maildrop today.
On Tuesday 23rd January, staff will listen to the pupils in class and select the three who it is thought have given the best recitation. These pupils will go forward to the final. A guest will judge the final on Wednesday 24th January. Pupils who are placed first will recite their poem at assembly on Thursday 25th January. All pupils who recite a poem will receive a certificate.
The children will be familiar with their poems having heard them in school. Please encourage your child to recite the poem clearly, with some expression and to look at their audience. It should be good fun.
Poems for each year group: