Lockdown Update
Good afternoon Primary 5! I hope you’ve all had a super start to your week and are trying some of this week’s learning activities.
As you will know, the rules of Lockdown changed a little at the end of last week. I know this can be tricky to understand but it is important we know and follow the new rules. Click on the link below to see a document that you might find helpful .
Column addition and subtraction
It feels like a long time since we were in our normal classroom learning about column addition and subtraction! Click on the links below to watch videos to remind you of the different steps-
Column addition (without renaming)-
Column addition (with renaming)-
Column subtraction (without renaming)-
Although this video is for 3 digit numbers, it is still very useful and the same method for 4 digit numbers.
Column subtraction (with renaming)-
Remember to use concrete materials- these could be anything in your house! For example, board game pieces, Lego, pasta, jigsaw pieces… or you could draw pictures to represent the different numbers. Also remember to create and use a place value chart to help you. See the picture below for an example… I’ve used Scrabble letters turned over as my concrete materials.
Keep your eyes open tomorrow as I am going to post some step by step pictures to show you. Remember to watch the videos as many times as you like, use concrete materials or pictures and take your time! You can do this!
Column addition and subtraction- further resources
I have created 2 new PowerPoints with step by step reminders of how to solve 4 digit addition and subtraction problems using the column method.
Although these PowerPoints are for 4 digit numbers, the method is the same for 3 digit numbers. Also remember, we have learned how to use this method in class (although it may feel like a long time ago!) so these should just be a reminder. Do not worry if you are finding these problems more tricky to complete at home. Use the PowerPoints to help you, use concrete materials and take your time! You can do this! Remember our Learning Pit. Please remember I am always here to help you, so ask questions on our Teams page if you would like some extra help.
You may notice there are not any activities on column addition and subtraction for this week but I know some of you may be working through learning at a different pace and revisiting previous activities. I thought this would be helpful if you need it at any time.
Happy Learning 🙂