
In gym this term we are learning how to move our bodies and different objects with control.

We began with different jumps.

We then moved on to throwing and catching different objects with accuracy. More photos to come…


After we found out our topic was the Human Body and shared what we already know and would like to know, we created group names and posters related to our topic.

Names we came up with:

The Royal Skeletons

Black Hearts

The Four Skeletons

Small Foot

Black Hearts of Evil

The Ninja Skeletons


We worked together as a group to make a template of a real life body and labelled all the different body parts we could remember.

We worked with our learning partner to create a skeleton using pasta and labelled as many body parts as we could.


We are looking forward to learning more about the Human Body.


We are learning all about Place Value, using Dienes materials, Numicon, and digicards.

We have used Dienes to make numbers for our learning partners. Our LP’s then had to guess our number. We love helping one another.

We have been learning to write our partner’s number into a place value grid. This helps us realise the value of tens and ones.

We transferred our knowledge to outdoors and used sticks, leaves and stones instead of Dienes materials.

Now we understand the value of a digit depends on its place, we can compare numbers.

We are beginning to use the greater than and less then symbols.






August 2019 – Settling into our new class

Welcome to the Primary 2/3 Blog!

We have been practising out routines and showing Miss McGurty our good sitting, good looking and good listening.

We can line up nicely in pairs. We have a line partner so we can get to know our new classmates.

We are practising using our amazing magnet eyes.

We have super listening ears.

Here are some excellent examples of good sitting 🙂


Thank you for visiting our class blog. Come back soon to share in our learning 🙂

Miss McGurty and Primary 2/3

Class Photo

Hello, we are Primary 2/3 at St Pius X Primary School

Our new teacher is Miss McGurty.

We have come from 3 different classes and we are enjoying getting to know our new classmates.

Here is our first photograph as a class.

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