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Walk Like an Egyptian

walk like an egyptian

Click on the link above for lyrics to our class assembly song.

Note: The link to the YouTube video is within the Word document. I have edited the gods part of the lyrics as these are the Egyptian gods we have learned about.

Send me a video on Teams of you singing along and dancing like an Ancient Egyptian if you like.

Miss McGurty

Prior Learning

Hello everyone!

Here are some photos I uploaded to the media library but hadn’t shared. I hope you enjoy them.

Victoria’s last day.

Look how good we are at lining up.

Working in our coop groups to sequence the Egyptian Creation Myth.

World Book Day – Reading Breakfast


Miss McGurty

Home Learning

Good morning!

Apologies for the lack of updates on here. I did not know I could share files here and felt Microsoft Teams would be the best option. However I am aware some are finding it difficult to access files etc so I will post as much as I can on here.

If you are having problems logging into Glow and accessing Microsoft Teams please let me know and I will do what I can to help.

Here are the files I uploaded to Teams.


circles add subtract

squares add subtract

triangles add subtract word

blank 20 number line

100 square

Today’s Challenge

Draw a picture using as many shapes as you can.

Can you name and label all the shapes in your drawing?

Here are some examples.

I can’t wait to see your drawings,

Miss McGurty

Week commencing 24.2.20

This week we have been learning:


Navanah and Jayden:

Numeracy –


We learned how to draw bar graphs. We went outside and drew them in the playground with chalk.

We also explored number lines for subtraction outdoors.


Reo, Jack and Kai:

Topic – we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. We have drawn good and bad characters for our imaginative stories. We have also drawn our setting for our stories.

We are going to make up a problem and a solution and we can’t wait to write our stories!!!



week commencing 17.2.20

We had mid term holidays which meant we had Monday and Tuesday off school!

We had lots of fun but we were glad to be back at school.

Leilah -For topic I looked at the pictures and found out which letter the picture was. One of the secret codes was my name! 🙂


PE – Lexxi liked climbing on the bars.

John liked balancing on the benches.

Caitlyn said we were using our muscles to climb the bars.

Daisy loved that we were using the big equipment.

Cole had to work really hard on the circles to make sure he was safe and in control.



We were counting up to 100 and beyond with the Big Numbers Song.

We were working on our 2 times table. We know that every number in the 2 times table is even.

We learned a strategy for subtraction – we can cross out to help us.

Circles were working with ones.

Triangles were working with tens.

Squares were working on hundreds.


Thank you for reading our blog.

week commencing 3.2.20

Caitlyn – in numeracy we were learning subtraction by crossing out.

Adrian – we have been doing dough disco to keep our fingers strong.

Perrie – we have been learning about Ancient Egypt and talking about how the pyramids were built.

John- in PE we are still doing gymnastics. We did different stations today.

Victoria, Ella & Emily Jo  – with Mrs Corrie we did mindfulness colouring and with Mrs Bradley we did Daily 15 – we drew round one another with chalk and coloured it in.



Week Commencing 27th January 2020

Numeracy – this week we have been learning how to double numbers. We have learned repeated addition, multiplying by 2 and the squares have been doubling 2-digit numbers using the split strategy.

Gym – we are still working on our balancing skills. We practise balancing on a thin beam, bunny hopping on a bench, walking carefully on a surface and holding a pose, staying calm and in control of our movements on top of gym tables.

H&WB – We learned about our moods and attitudes. We are going to do 2 more lessons on this to learn to control our emotions.

Topic – We watched a clip from Horrible Histories about mummification and we designed our own Ancient Egyptian Death Masks.

Week Beginning 20.1.20

PE – We have moved on to using equipment because we showed Miss McGurty we can move with control.

ICT – For Scot’s week we looked up Scottish words and found out some of their meanings.  We are getting quicker at logging on our computers so we get more time to research and develop our digital skills.

Numeracy – We are still working on the Make 10 strategy. We are going to start using our jotters to show how good we are at the make 10 strategy.

H&WB – We talked about  SHANARRI


Daisy – S is for safe – we can be safe from the sun by wearing sunscreen.

Kai – H is for healthy – fruit is healthy.

Victoria – A is for active – we stretch properly before doing PE. We go out for Daily 15.

Ravyn – N is for nurtured – Miss McGurty greets every one of us in the morning and we have lots of time to work in groups and with partners.

Jack – A is for achieving – my example is if you can’t click your fingers first time you keep trying and then you achieve.  I have a growth mindset.

Cole – R is for respected – when everyone listens to me when I’m sharing a story or my learning.

Reo – R is for responsible – in p2/3 we are given responsibility for our own materials.

Lexxi – I is for included – I like to feel included by doing work with a group.

January – the first 2 weeks of 2020!

Happy New Year from Primary 2/3 and Miss McGurty! 🙂

We made New Year’s Resolutions. These were linked to the St Pius school rules – Safe, Respectful and Ready.

Most of the class set themselves a goal of being respectful by listening carefully and not talking when others are talking.

This week:

Jayden & Caitlyn – We used Dough Disco to get our hands and fingers stronger so we can improve our handwriting.

John & Navanah – We have learned the make 10 strategy for addition. The squares have moved on to 2-digit add 1-digit and the rest of the groups will move on soon.

Reo & Ravyn – In topic we made name badges for our desks using Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Daisy & Cole – In PE we have been balancing using control so we can be safe when we begin to use equipment.

Ella & Klaudia – We have all been learning how to be kind to one another.

Jack & Perrie – In H&WB we did circle time and focused on the rules of safe, respectful and ready. Next week we think we will be doing something else. Miss Mcgurty has just told us we are going to be doing Being Cool in School. We are looking forward to that!




We are enjoying doing the Daily 15.

It is great to have a movement break. We feel more ready to learn after this.

Here we are dancing to Go Noodle’s Saved by the Bell.

Other Daily 15 activities we have taken part in so far:

Walk around the playground.

Jog around the playground – we are trying to better the number of laps we can do every time.

Just Dance

Cosmic Yoga

Before our Parent Open Afternoon on Friday our Daily 15 was freeplay on the playground equipment.