LIFT Language is Fun Together is part of the Speech and Language Forth Valley Project. The project in conjunction with Raising Attainment was aimed to target 90% of all children in Clackmannanshire placements meeting their expected speech, language and communication milestones by the time they complete primary one (by June 2020).
At Sunnyside we have an ongoing commitment to LIFT, our vision is to work in partnership with parents/ carers, regardless of their socio-economic background, having access to information, resources, increasing engagement, knowledge and empower parents to support their children’s communication, listening and talking skills.
Good communication skills are essential for children’s learning, friendships, and well-being. The quality of spoken dialogue in nursery, school and at home can significantly improve children’s attainment.
Please click on the Virtual Classroom to increase your knowledge and to empower you to support your children’s outcomes.