At Sunnyside Nursery we strive to increase Attainment within Literacy. We have selected 15 core books which will remain out on our bookshelf for the entire year. This allows children to become familiar with the different characters and events in stories, and begin to use what they have learned in different ways.
After consulting with the children, we focus on a book for four weeks and explore it’s context. Staff choose three words for the children to focus on within the book, developing their language and understanding through comprehension. As an ELC, we strive to promote child led responsive planning so the children take the lead, extending their own learning. All activities linked to the 15 core books come from the children. Our most recent story being “The Smartest Giant in Town”. By providing table provocations relating to the books, learners have opportunities to discuss the characters, revisit the story and support their peers understanding.
As well as developing our reading skills, at Sunnyside ELC we have began a new interest in Jolly Phonics. This has encouraged more children to develop their understanding of both, identifying and recognising phonetic sounds/letters. Some children have built up their confidence within this area of Literacy, that they have began to independently write their peers names on their group board. This has also encouraged children to mark make in different ways other than drawing, such as beginning to write their name. As well as learning the new songs and actions that relate to each alphabetical letter.
Welcome to our Virtual Nursery Library. These are the 15 core books that we have chosen. Please click here ELC Library to access our 15 core books and listen to all our stories.
” Reading is a passport to countless adventures” – Mary Rose Osborne