All posts by Mrs Brown

3B Money

We have been learning about money and even created our own shop to apply what we have been learning.

We can:

*add a variety of coins together to find the total amount

*choose the coins we would need to make a specific amount

*use the least amount of coins to make a given amount

Here are some pictures of us hard at work…


P3B Christmas fun

We have been really busy in the run up to the Christmas holidays and wanted to share some of the fun things we’ve been doing!

Jamie, our class elf, has still been getting up to mischief! We found him and some friends playing with trains when we came back from Music last week.

 We used Cosmic Kids yoga to make sure we were calm and relaxed before our Christmas concert last week. It was a special Christmas themed session and we loved it!

We decorated our very own mini Christmas tree. We used different shades of green to create the colour we wanted for our tree. Once we put it all together we added glitter to make it sparkle. They looked great!



We watched The Snowman and used this as a stimulus for our writing. We’ve been reading the Michael Morpurgo novel remake of the story and used both the novel and video clip to then retell the story in our own words.

P3B Jamie the Elf

On Wednesday an elf came to our class. He is a little bit cheeky. He arrived in a box that was sent from the North Pole. A note came in the box with the elf and it told us he likes cookies. We named him Jamie. (CMcF, NJ, JM, AL)

On Thursday Jamie sent us a letter and in the letter there were little cards so we could write our elf names. We used the first letter in our name and our birthday month and matched these up to the poster to help us make our elf name. (RH, BMcG)

On Friday he photocopied himself. He did it while we were sleeping. He asked us to write down words to describe what he looks like and what he behaves like. (MH, EB)

BMcG made up a little rhyme to describe what Jamie had been up to on Friday….”I am an elf and I printed myself!”

We’re having great fun with Jamie in our class!

3B – Our School Trip

We went on our school trip on Thursday. We went to The Smith Art Gallery and Museum. We had so much fun in the secret garden and we got to choose our favourite picture in the Art Gallery. (RH)

In the museum there was an old doll house. It took 4 months to build. They built it during the war. (EB)

We saw propellers that the Barnwell brothers used to fly the first recorded flight in Scotland. (BMcG)

We saw William Wallaces’ sword. It was very big! (ER)




3B – William Wallace, Number patterns, Remembrance Day and more

This week we have been writing about Remembrance Day and we have also learned how to take notes using bullet points.

(sentence provided by CC)

Our new topic is all about William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. We have started to learn about them and why they are so famous.

(sentence provided by MG and EB)

We looked at pictures of the Wallace Monument.

(sentence provided by EG)

We have learned number patterns by counting in 2s, 5s, 3s, 4s and 10s. We played a game called Buzz to help us remember our 2 times table.

(sentence provided by CC)

We have been reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark for a couple of weeks. We’ve read up to chapter 5, ‘Dark is fascinating’.

(sentence provided by RH)

We have been revising some of our sounds. This week we revised ‘ea – have a cup of tea’ and wrote sentences and words on the board.

(sentence provided by AL)

3B our last week of Term 1

This week we tried out a new Literacy morning task that involved making up as many words as we could using 16 random letters from the alphabet. It was a nice way to warm our brains up in the morning and get us thinking about spelling.

We also got to visit the Purple Wing to see models of the Titanic that Primary 7 had been making. We were really excited and especially loved the ones that were made out of lego. We learned a little bit of information about what happened to the ship.

We have been playing a competitive game of football during our PE lessons this week. As part of this we have been working on our speed and accuracy of dribbling and shooting.

Finally, we have been enjoying sharing news and information with each other. Lots of children have been bringing things in from home to share with us. This week we have heard all about vegetables grown in a Grandpa’s garden, we’ve seen newspapers from WW2, we’ve seen some foreign coins and we’ve stories read to us that have been written at home. It has been lots of fun and we are hoping to do some more of this after the holidays.

Have a great week off. See you all at the start of Term 2!