3B our last week of Term 1

This week we tried out a new Literacy morning task that involved making up as many words as we could using 16 random letters from the alphabet. It was a nice way to warm our brains up in the morning and get us thinking about spelling.

We also got to visit the Purple Wing to see models of the Titanic that Primary 7 had been making. We were really excited and especially loved the ones that were made out of lego. We learned a little bit of information about what happened to the ship.

We have been playing a competitive game of football during our PE lessons this week. As part of this we have been working on our speed and accuracy of dribbling and shooting.

Finally, we have been enjoying sharing news and information with each other. Lots of children have been bringing things in from home to share with us. This week we have heard all about vegetables grown in a Grandpa’s garden, we’ve seen newspapers from WW2, we’ve seen some foreign coins and we’ve stories read to us that have been written at home. It has been lots of fun and we are hoping to do some more of this after the holidays.

Have a great week off. See you all at the start of Term 2!