3B weekly overview

This week we have been working hard to read and spell words containing the ‘ee’ and ‘igh’ sounds. Here are some photos of us busy learning…

Some of us took this learning further by searching for more ‘igh’ sounds in books using our new magnifying glasses. We then had the task of writing them in alphabetical order.

In Numeracy, we have been learning different strategies to help us develop our addition skills. This week we have been learning to add across the decade (eg. 35+7) and we’ve been revising some of our previous learning.

We are going to be fitting some Mindful Minutes into our week from now on and we started today by using the Cosmic Kids website. The children all participated really well and the classroom had a lovely, calm feel to it during this time. We are looking forward to our next Mindful Minutes session.

Finally, we took part in the Harvest assembly on Thursday and did a great job of performing our song, Harvest Samba, to the rest of the school. Thank you for all the kind donations you sent in. They have now been distributed to people in our community.