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Term 4: weeks 3/4

We have had a very busy two weeks in Primary 7M!

Pupils have been developing their understanding of time and have been working in groups to use all of their knowledge to create a presentation and poster detailing a weekend trip away for Miss McLean. Pupils had to use their knowledge of 12 and 24 hour time, calculating time durations, reading real life timetables and applying their knowledge of money as well. As it stands we have three trips to London, one trip to IKEA, a weekend in Dublin, holiday in Crete and a visit to Mozambique.

We finally finished one of our class novels ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross Mackenzie. At first this book had mixed opinions but by the end we were all very hooked to he story and the final chapter even received a whole class applaude. Pupils are Edgar to try and fit in the sequel before the end of term.

Our Pirate topic is well underway and we have been analysing chapters from the text and linking these to our writing and research skills.

Throughout this year we have been trailing a new approach to soft start when the pupils arrive in the morning. There are lots of different activities for pupils to choose from in the morning. Pupils can take part in group games, warming their brains up for learning g or they can choose more relaxing activities such as mindfulness colouring or gamma beads to relax pupils for the day ahead. This has been really successful in helping pupils get ready for learning and the class also had the opportunity this week to give their opinion through a pupil survey.

A reminder that sports day is on Thursday 16th next week and pupils can come into school on sports gear and to bring a water bottle with them. Teaching will still be taking place in the afternoon so pupils should still bring their school bags.
On Friday 17th pupils will leave for Dalguise and will return on Sunday. Pupils all seem very excited for this event and a greate weekend should be had by all!!

Thank you for reading our blog.

Miss McLean and P7M

Term 4 Overview

Term 4 overview in P7M

As primary 7 begin the countdown to their next big adventure we still have lots of hard work to complete and fun things to do.

This term we will be using the novel Pyrates Boy by E.B.Colin as an opportunity for cross curricular learning. This will allow us the opportunity to discuss human rights, historical events and geography of the world. We will also be linking literacy and numeracy activities to the novel e.g. map reading, compass points, functional writing and comprehension skills.

PE will continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays with Mr Richardson (please ensure your child brings their kit and a roll on deodorant) and music will continue on Tuesdays with Mrs Pennie.

Classes are already looking towards organising the forthcoming Primary 7 events which will also be used as learning opportunities. Specifically:

Sports Day on Thursday 16th May ( weather permitting )

Dalguise on the Friday 17th until Sunday 19th, information will be sent home in due course.

County Sports held on Wednesday 22nd May.

Journals will be sent home for a final time on the week beginning 20th June for Primary 7M. If you have not yet returned these, please do so ASAP.

Primary 7 leavers assembly will be held on Friday 21st June

Primary 7 celebration day will be held on Tuesday 25th June, pupils chose to catch a train to Stirling to the bowling alley followed by lunch at Frankie and Bennys. Due to fund raising events throughout the year, there will be no cost for this. More information and permission slips will be issued in due course.

Transition information has been issued to pupils with regard to dates and times of visits to their preferred schools.

As you can see, we have a very busy time ahead of us! We appreciate your continuing support in encouraging pupils to continue to work hard and do their best.

Starting the Final Term

We have had a really busy two weeks since returning from the Easter holidays and the countdown for the next chapter is finally well under way!

We have started our new topic which is based on our class Novel Pyrate’s boy by E.B. Colin.

Pupils have been using this text to generate and discuss stereotypes and we have used parts of the text to challenge these. Pupils have also been developing their research skills to find out more about famous Pirates in history. They have then used this information to create biographies.

P7M were also developing our brains through some physical exercises testing our memories and reactions.

Before the holidays we visited the Kelvingrove Museum for our class trip. We had the chance to learn and see lots of new and exciting things and had a great day out.

Thank you for reading our blog.
Miss McLean and P7M

This Week in P7M

This week we have been carrying out some of experiments to test the cause and effects of earthquakes. We were looking at where earthquakes are strongest and tried to create earthquake proof structures.

We has a very relaxing reading experience in class this week. Pupils chose a comfy spot to read a good book with calming music in the background. We all really enjoyed.

Continuing with our Natural Disasters theme, we recreated the famous ‘Great Wave of Kanagawa’. Focusing on creating contrast within our artwork. We think they turned out fantastic.

We are looking forward to filling the last week before the holidays with lots more fun activities.

Thanks for reading!
Miss McLean and Primary 7M

Term 3, Week 2

Hello to all the Parents and Carers of Primary 7M,

We have had another busy week in P7 with lots of learning and new experiences.

We have started or new topic, Natural Disasters, by focussing on the cause and effect of earthquakes.

During writing this week we created Haiku and Cinquain poetry following specific rules and really enjoyed getting creative with our rhyming and syllable counting in order for the poems to still make sense.

During maths we are continuing with money as our focus. We have been improving our addition and decomposition skills through calculating total cost and change of items in word problems.

Thank You for reading our blog.

Miss McLean and Primary 7M

Starting Off 2019 in Primary 7M

Hello parents and carers of Primary 7M!

We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and wonderful New Year!

Primary 7M have come back to school hard working and eager to learn.

This week we have started our new RME topic which is Buddhism. We have been creating informative posters on the Eightfold Path. The eightfold path is eight areas of life that Buddhists follow to relieve suffering and live a happier life.

Our new class topic will be Natural Disaster which we will be looking into more starting next week.

Primary 7M have been focusing on money in maths. We have been working on our addition and subtraction skills and mental strategies to add up sums of money and calculating change. We also have the chance to organise a party for 12 people with the budget of £25.

During PE we focussed on fitness and carried out the bleep test and the six minute run. Testing our agility and stamina.

We have been trying out a new approach to our mornings by warming up our brains and bodies with a variety of activities to start off the day. These activities allow us to develop team work and make us more prepared and engaged for the days learning.

This term we have started music with Mrs Pennie, during music we have been practising a piece of music called the Dundee Ghost.

This term Primary 7M PE days will be Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Thank you for reading our blog.

Wishing you a brilliant 2019.

Miss McLean and Primary 7M

Last Week of Term

We have had a very busy week in the run up to the Christmas holidays.
Primary 7 had their last ever Christmas Party on Monday afternoon, with lots of games and traditional Scottish dancing.

The pupils have also created some festive Christmas cards to bring home with lots of glitter!!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing what the New Year brings for Primary 7M

Class Newsletter – Term 2

Miss McLean- Primary 7

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

General Information:

We have had a busy start to term two and are working hard. We demonstrated our understanding of the importance of having a growth mind set and worked cooperatively to create a class assembly. We have also taken part in Rookie Rock stars, which was great fun and from that we are now learning about bullying and what we should do if we are experiencing it.

You will be able to follow what we have been doing in class each week by looking at our class blog and Twitter. This can be accessed via the link on our class page on the school website.

Children should bring a reusable plastic bottle with water only (no diluting juice or flavoured water please) in it, to drink in class at appropriate times. Please ensure red communication folders are sent back to school and remember to check these each day for letters and communication from the school.

To allow us to embrace opportunities for outdoor learning, children should also come to school each day with an outdoor jacket and suitable clothing.

Homework will be given each Monday, to be completed and returned by Thursday. This will normally consist of a spelling task, a reading task, maths or topic related. Tasks will be linked to class activities and will consolidate work that has been taught in class.

This term, our class will have PE on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. PE kits should be brought in every Monday and should include a change of T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a stick or roll on deodorant, no spray deodorants please. We also have our art specialist, Mrs Barron, coming to teach us every Tuesday and music practice for the Christmas concerts has already begun with Mrs Pennie.

Mrs Barron will continue her position as class teacher on Wednesdays for Primary 7M.

Positive Behaviour

To promote positive behaviour Primary 7 are using Class Dojo.  Please note we cannot access the messaging aspect of Class Dojo. Should you need to contact us please do so by telephone or in writing.

Golden time diaries are continuing to be used and provide a great opportunity for parents/ carers to celebrate positive behaviour with their child. These should be returned to school weekly.

Learning focus this term:

Primary 7M will be working together in cooperative learning groups on topic related work as a class and with other Primary 7 classes. This will encourage social skills and allow pupils the opportunity to work with others they wouldn’t normally work with.

Through our topic of The Victorians we will be learning about many aspects of Victorian life and compare and contrast to present day. Through this topic pupils will have the opportunity to take part in and organise a Victorian inspired Christmas Fayre.

Pupils will be learning to –

  • Develop research and note taking skills
  • Compare and contrast the lives of Victorians to their own
  • Sequence dates on a timeline
  • Develop an awareness of the impact the Victorians had on today’s society
  • Work together to successfully organise a fayre

Core Literacy:

  • I can write creatively applying my knowledge of structure, character and setting.
  • I can write in a persuasive style using language appropriate to task.
  • I can present information in a role play situation in an interesting and engaging way.
  • I can develop my reading skills through comprehension, reading out loud and working with a partner.

We will also continue to discuss and develop comprehension through reading a class novel.

Please encourage your child to be reading as often as they can at home, even if this is just a small slot before bed. This can be either a school reading book or a book of choice.

Core Numeracy:

  • I can apply my knowledge of the four functions to solve multi-stage word problems.
  • I can demonstrate my knowledge of place value.
  • I can apply my knowledge of decimal fractions.
  • I can apply my knowledge of money skills including, profit and loss, budgeting, giving change and appropriate pricing.
  • I can continue to develop my mental agility skills.

Health and Wellbeing:

As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable then to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

We are delighted to be able to continue to deliver 2 hours of PE a week as well as opportunities for children to be active in our fabulous grounds.

We will continue to discuss internet safety, bullying and personal hygiene in HWB and continuing to develop strategies for a growth mind set.

We would appreciate your support in promoting a healthy and balanced diet, both in your child’s morning snack and in their packed lunch.  We would discourage any type of fizzy juice in school or energy drinks.  Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, which they can use during class time and refill during the day.  There are water fountains situated throughout the school for daily use.

Please encourage your child to participate in the Active Sports Clubs that are on offer at lunchtimes and after school, as well as any school based clubs that take place throughout the year.  Keep looking in school bags for further information.

A reminder that all children who cycle or scooter to school must wear a safety helmet and ‘walk’ their bikes whilst in the playground. There are bike racks available.

Class Birthdays

We always celebrate if a member of the class has a birthday however we would request that birthday cakes are not brought into school to share with the class. In school, we have children with allergies who may be at risk from some ingredients. The cutting up and distributing of birthday cake also cuts into valuable learning time.

Playground toys:

We have a playground equipment for children to play with during lunchtime.  Please do not bring in your own toys – except for Golden Time on a Friday – so that we can be sure that all toys in the playground belong to the school.  Many thanks for your support.

Golden Time toys:

Children can bring a ‘toy’ to school on a Friday to play with during Golden Time. Please remember that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety of these toys and therefore we request that your child does not bring in expensive/ electronic items without your consent.  We appreciate your support with this matter.

Mobile Phones:

Children may bring a mobile phone to school however these will be stored in a locked classroom cupboard until home time and cannot be used during class time.

Kevin Joins P7M

P7 have been busy again this week starting the organisation for our fundraising Victorian themed Christmas Fayre in a few weeks times!!

The pupils have been busy researching and learning all about what it was like to live within Victorian times. We watched the Muppets Christmas Carol this week. Making notes while watching on aspects of Victorian life.

Pupils took part in the bbcs live lesson on Friday. This linked with Doctor who and taught pupils lots of interesting information about space.

There was a lot of excitement in class this week with a “new member” joining P7M! The class are very happy to welcome Kevin to our classroom.

Just a reminder that next week is a shorter week with pupils off on Thursday and Friday due to in-service days.

Miss McLean and Primary 7M

5th-9th of November with P7M

In maths this week we have been learning a bit about place value. We were rolling a dice 50 times to see what are mode would be and if it would change.We also made a bar chart on the frequency of the numbers.

In topic we all worked together to create a timeline in history, It was a competition between all Primary 7 classes to see who could get it the fastest. We also watched an informative video all about WW1 (World War One) and we learnt lots of new things about the war.

In PE we have been doing all types of Gymnastics stations like a Springboarding, Climbing frame, ropes and some yoga poses.

In writing we had Miss Hamilton read us a children’s book all about online safety and we had to write a story just like it with different characters and settings but the same storyline.

We also had a visit from Kate who spoke to us all about things that might worry us about highschool and gave us lots of helpful tips.

Written by Liam, Millie and Callum for Primary 7M