Term 4: weeks 3/4

We have had a very busy two weeks in Primary 7M!

Pupils have been developing their understanding of time and have been working in groups to use all of their knowledge to create a presentation and poster detailing a weekend trip away for Miss McLean. Pupils had to use their knowledge of 12 and 24 hour time, calculating time durations, reading real life timetables and applying their knowledge of money as well. As it stands we have three trips to London, one trip to IKEA, a weekend in Dublin, holiday in Crete and a visit to Mozambique.

We finally finished one of our class novels ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross Mackenzie. At first this book had mixed opinions but by the end we were all very hooked to he story and the final chapter even received a whole class applaude. Pupils are Edgar to try and fit in the sequel before the end of term.

Our Pirate topic is well underway and we have been analysing chapters from the text and linking these to our writing and research skills.

Throughout this year we have been trailing a new approach to soft start when the pupils arrive in the morning. There are lots of different activities for pupils to choose from in the morning. Pupils can take part in group games, warming their brains up for learning g or they can choose more relaxing activities such as mindfulness colouring or gamma beads to relax pupils for the day ahead. This has been really successful in helping pupils get ready for learning and the class also had the opportunity this week to give their opinion through a pupil survey.

A reminder that sports day is on Thursday 16th next week and pupils can come into school on sports gear and to bring a water bottle with them. Teaching will still be taking place in the afternoon so pupils should still bring their school bags.
On Friday 17th pupils will leave for Dalguise and will return on Sunday. Pupils all seem very excited for this event and a greate weekend should be had by all!!

Thank you for reading our blog.

Miss McLean and P7M

Term 4 Overview

Term 4 overview in P7M

As primary 7 begin the countdown to their next big adventure we still have lots of hard work to complete and fun things to do.

This term we will be using the novel Pyrates Boy by E.B.Colin as an opportunity for cross curricular learning. This will allow us the opportunity to discuss human rights, historical events and geography of the world. We will also be linking literacy and numeracy activities to the novel e.g. map reading, compass points, functional writing and comprehension skills.

PE will continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays with Mr Richardson (please ensure your child brings their kit and a roll on deodorant) and music will continue on Tuesdays with Mrs Pennie.

Classes are already looking towards organising the forthcoming Primary 7 events which will also be used as learning opportunities. Specifically:

Sports Day on Thursday 16th May ( weather permitting )

Dalguise on the Friday 17th until Sunday 19th, information will be sent home in due course.

County Sports held on Wednesday 22nd May.

Journals will be sent home for a final time on the week beginning 20th June for Primary 7M. If you have not yet returned these, please do so ASAP.

Primary 7 leavers assembly will be held on Friday 21st June

Primary 7 celebration day will be held on Tuesday 25th June, pupils chose to catch a train to Stirling to the bowling alley followed by lunch at Frankie and Bennys. Due to fund raising events throughout the year, there will be no cost for this. More information and permission slips will be issued in due course.

Transition information has been issued to pupils with regard to dates and times of visits to their preferred schools.

As you can see, we have a very busy time ahead of us! We appreciate your continuing support in encouraging pupils to continue to work hard and do their best.