Term 3, Week 2

Hello to all the Parents and Carers of Primary 7M,

We have had another busy week in P7 with lots of learning and new experiences.

We have started or new topic, Natural Disasters, by focussing on the cause and effect of earthquakes.

During writing this week we created Haiku and Cinquain poetry following specific rules and really enjoyed getting creative with our rhyming and syllable counting in order for the poems to still make sense.

During maths we are continuing with money as our focus. We have been improving our addition and decomposition skills through calculating total cost and change of items in word problems.

Thank You for reading our blog.

Miss McLean and Primary 7M

Starting Off 2019 in Primary 7M

Hello parents and carers of Primary 7M!

We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and wonderful New Year!

Primary 7M have come back to school hard working and eager to learn.

This week we have started our new RME topic which is Buddhism. We have been creating informative posters on the Eightfold Path. The eightfold path is eight areas of life that Buddhists follow to relieve suffering and live a happier life.

Our new class topic will be Natural Disaster which we will be looking into more starting next week.

Primary 7M have been focusing on money in maths. We have been working on our addition and subtraction skills and mental strategies to add up sums of money and calculating change. We also have the chance to organise a party for 12 people with the budget of £25.

During PE we focussed on fitness and carried out the bleep test and the six minute run. Testing our agility and stamina.

We have been trying out a new approach to our mornings by warming up our brains and bodies with a variety of activities to start off the day. These activities allow us to develop team work and make us more prepared and engaged for the days learning.

This term we have started music with Mrs Pennie, during music we have been practising a piece of music called the Dundee Ghost.

This term Primary 7M PE days will be Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Thank you for reading our blog.

Wishing you a brilliant 2019.

Miss McLean and Primary 7M