Lots more measure…

We are learning about living things and this week we were looking at plants and how they grow. We planted some cress seeds and we are keeping a diary to show how they grow. We are using our measuring skills to track their height.

Sam: We put the soil and the seeds into a pot with Mrs Given.

Millie E: In our cress diaries we wrote instructions.

Kyle: The instructions tell you how to plant the cress seeds.

Beni: We drew a picture of the plants.

In maths we are learning more about measure. Today we measured lots of things inside and outside the classroom. We have been practising using measure words including longer and shorter.

Here are some of our measurements:

Measuring is an important life skill and lots of jobs rely on accurately measuring things.

Ryan: My dad measures lots of things for his work, he is a joiner and a builder.

Sam: My Uncle is a builder and he makes roofs so he needs to measure.

Aaron: You might need to measure a wall to paint it.



We are learning to measure length in non-standard units. We were using duplo, cubes and fingers.


We compared heights of people in the class and then ordered these.


We worked independently to then order our own set of caterpillars.

Next, we measured our caterpillars using objects from around the class.

Chinese whispers…

Mya brought in a book from home to share with us, she did a book blessing and told us we would love this book if we liked funny stories. We agree with her,  it was so funny!

This story reminded us of the game Chinese Whispers so we played it as part of talking and listening.

Lots of learning in 1F!

We have been developing our understanding of number in maths today.

If you want to help us at home, ask us questions like:

”Can you count forward starting at 7?”

”Can you count backwards starting at 13?”

”Which number comes after…?”

”Which number comes before…?”

We are aiming to be confident working within numbers to 20 by the end of Primary 1.


We we are also learning to take away within 10.


28th January – 1st February 2019

Welcome to this weeks blog.


This week we have learnt 2 new sounds

‘OO’ as in poo in the zoo

OO’ as in look in the book

Please continue to practice all the sounds with your child. Thank you


We have been working on take away sums up to five.


We have learnt about the four parts of a plant.


A note for you…..

Our gym days are Wednesday and Friday.