All posts by Mrs Donald


Editor in chief Mrs Donald
Roving Reporters: Jack, Connor, Skye, Matthew, Kyle, Darrell, Azeem, Sean, Josh, MacKenzie, Sophie, Ryan, Emma, Drew








Info on p4

P4 are playing game at circle time. They are asking questions and swapping chairs to mix each other up.
Also they’re talking about a wind turbine it was very interesting.

By reporter Skye and reporter Matthew

Book Discussion By Mackenzie and Azeem

The book club were talking about how they were going to discuss what book they wanted to read…

They were going to talk about what type of books they liked to read and they were looking forward to the books and activities in the coming weeks

Reporter life in p1b by Drew and Emma
P1 were playing board games with their P4 helpers They were then singing outside, they played tig, they sang GoldiLocks and nursery rhymes.


Mrs Elins and the super Scots class

By Sean and Josh (roving reporters)
In Mrs Elins’s class they are doing Scots words out of books like the Broons, Oor Wullie and other books. They are also listing Scots words to the class to see if they know what they mean. Here’s a few words in Scots mingin, aye, cludgie and lots more.

Super Sewing By Sophie and Ryan

Mrs Clark was doing sewing as the discover and learn groups. They had different materials and they were all different colours. They also had little gems and buttons. Next they made little holes at the top of their material. Now they had to get a bit of string and hook it on to the needle. Some of them found it hard. Then Mrs Clark was teaching them how to sew the thread through without seeing the tread.


The life of P2/3 by Connor and Jack

P2/3 were finishing their tartans some of the them were playing with trains and cars. Mrs McQuade played a song on the whiteboard the children liked it and joined in.

The Magical Music by Kyle and Darrell

In musical theatre they were watching Annie.They liked the choreography of the dancing.They also liked the harmony of the singing and the rhythm of the dancing.

Our Roving Reporters are part of our wonderful new Discover and Learn iniative, the children selected this activity to develop their skills of using IT to improve the digital profile of our school. Today they observed activities, took notes, wrote their first mini articles, took photographs and “air dropped” articles and photos to the editor.


Out and about with the Community Ipads




Last week the Digital Leaders took the Community IPads out into Clackmannan to take photographs of local landmarks. After a lovely walk in the sunshine we visited the Tower, Stone of Mannan, the church and the park. The aim was to improve our skills and confidence when using the iPads outside. Watch this space for more exciting news from the Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders take on Internet Safety

Over the last 3 weeks the digital leaders have been busy teaching the pupils of P1-3 about Internet safety using the CEOP Think you know resources. Each week they show the younger pupils one of the Hectors World videos and stress the main points of the show. Points tackled so far:
Don’t share personal information
If in doubt ask an adult
Don’t talk to strangers online
Get parents to check what you are doing online
With 3 weeks left of the block the feedback from the younger pupils is great.

P4/5 Famous Scots Assembly

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On Monday it was the turn of P4/5 to present their pupil post at assembly. Our focus this term has been Famous Scots.

The class have been busy researching Scottish inventions, creations and discoveries.  From a list of over 100 things the children narrowed it down to 12 and began researching using the new Community Ipads.

Our assembly featured presentations about the television, telephone, radar, whisky, penicillin, Auld Lang Syne, Peter Pan, golf, MacIntosh raincoat, steam engine, refrigerator and tarmac

We could have easily chosen many more to talk about but these were our favourites and the ones we felt had perhaps been the most useful.

We have also looked at Scottish sporting stars and are aiming to look at music, art and TV stars too.

For a small country we are impressed with the magnitude of achievements that have come from our home soil.


Digital Leaders Training 9/10/15

A very successful first training session. We looked at the different hardware we would need to become familiar with.

Here are some of them:








We briefly looked at the desktop and its icons too!

Next time we are going to see what all the hardware does and how it works in the IT suite.