Alice and Wonderland

On Monday a theatre company came and performed to the whole school.  They are going to be putting on a performance of Wizard of Oz in Stonehaven in June and are looking for talented P4+ children to audition.  If your child would like to audition then they will take place in Stonehaven Bowling Club on the 4th and 11th September from 3-5pm.

Second week in p3/4

We would like to share with you our busy week in class and what we have been learning.

Our topic is all about superheroes.  We have been learning about Spiderman and spiders (Cristen).  We made our own little spider life cycle (Jessica).  Facts we have learned:

Spiders keep their eggs in a sac to keep them safe (Libby L).

Black widow is the most dangerous spider in the world (Lauren).

Female spiders sometimes eat the male spider! (Finlay)

The biggest spider in the world, the Goliath Bird eating Spider is the size of a man’s hand (Elijah)

Maths – We have been learning about units, tens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands (Ryan).  This is place value (Isla). I enjoyed playing the egg game (Jessica).  I liked playing “beat the teacher” (Cristen)

PE – We done Cosmic Kids, which is basically yoga for kids.  It was Star Wars version (Kaden).  We played ball games in gym too and it was my favourite (Grace).

Grammar – In Grammar we were learning about nouns.  A person, place or thing is a noun (Oscar).

These are the songs we used to help us:

Alec Caravan – We met a lady and she told us about Harold going away for his school talent show (Hope).  We face-timed Harold and watched him do his act (Libby J). We helped Harold do his homework and we helped KiKi to figure out an argument (Caelen).  There was a brain and he told us about the body and other stuff (Rudy).  Your blood vessels would go around the world 2 and a half times (Libby L).  Your heart is as big as a fist and your brain as big as 2 fists (Casey).






This week in maths we have been learning about place value and ordering numbers.  Some of us have been working with numbers to 1000 and some of us have been learning about numbers beyond a thousand.

Libby L says she has enjoyed playing “beat the teacher.”  Elijah enjoyed playing maths games in the superhero zone. Grace enjoyed counting in 2s from 89 to 210!

To help us with our learning we have been using games on the whiteboard.  This is one of them:


Alec Caravan

On Thursday we are going to visit the Alec Caravan.   The title of our visit is “Meet the Brain.”

The learning intention of our visit includes:

  • Understand that the body gets energy from food, water and oxygen and that exercise and sleep are important to our health

• Name major internal body parts – heart, blood, lungs, stomach, small and large intestines, liver,brain and know how food, water and air get intothe body and blood.

• Understand how the brain sends and receivesmessages through the nerves.

• Understand that medicines are drugs and the times that they can be helpful or harmful.

• Understand that nicotine and alcohol are drugs and begin to understand the ways in which they can be harmful to the body.

• Identify: qualities of friendship; reasons why friends sometimes fall out; skills for making up again.

Please discuss with your child what they have done and learned at the ALEC caravan at home as this will form our big writing for next Monday.

Welcome to P3/4 Mrs Collett

Welcome to Primary 3/4

Welcome to our class blog. It will be used to update you with what we have been learningin class, as well as to share any information, important dates, news or photographs. Photograph permission slips will be sent home soon.

I can hardly believe we are at the end of week 1 already. The children have settled in well and we have been doing lots of different activities to assist us with this. All pupils have worked hard, listened well and acted just like the “great classmate” characters they have been creating. Well done p3/4.

The class have P.E. On a Tuesday with myself and dance/drama with Mr Potter on a Wednesday. Pupils will need P.E. Kits on both these days, however I would recommend pupils bring their kit with them every day as changes can occur. Mr Potter was very impressed with the enthusiasm they showed this week. They will have Mrs Swan for Art on a Thursday and Miss Salter will be doing Science and Health lessons on a Friday around an Eco topic.  All other areas of the curriculum will be covered by myself.  On Friday we will have show and tell. This will be done on a timetable basis which I will share with the children soon. If your child has an award/achievement that they wish to share please send this in on a Friday.   I have asked all pupils to bring into school a book of their choice by next Friday. This will be their personal reader and should be something that they find enjoyable and can read independently.

More information will be sent home soon in our class newsletter.  We will update our class blog regularly, so keep checking!

Mrs Collett

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