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Daily challenges 3/4/20


Hola P4/5

It is the last day of term, so let’s have some fun!

  • Literacy – Limericks

Limericks are funny poems that only have 5 lines. They have a special rhyming pattern where lines 1, 2 and 5 share a rhyme, and lines 3 and 4 share a different rhyme. You can find lots of examples written for (and by) children – here.

  • Option 1 (mild) – pick your favourite limerick from the website above and write it out in your best handwriting. Illustrate your limerick with pictures that fit the poem.
  • Option 2 (spicy/hot) – Try to write your own limerick. Use one of the guides below to find out how. The written instructions give you more detail on how to plan your limerick. Illustrate your limerick when you have finished.

How to write a limerick – written instructions here

How to write a limerick – video instructions here


  • Numeracy – Prodigy Math Teacher Battles

As long as I don’t have any online meetings, I will be playing Prodigy at 11am and 2pm (probably for about 45 minutes each time). Join me and try to battle me!

  • I will be playing from ‘school’ – so you’ll need to select school to find me!
  • My first name has 3 syllables; my last name has 5 syllables…
  • Can you find me and challenge me?

If I have to change the times I will update this page, so check back.

  • UPDATE – I’ve learnt a bit more about Teacher Battles – I think you have to challenge me! I will be in the Ice World next to Bok this afternoon – check your list of classmates and see if you can guess who I am (I’m about level 22 and have a charfoal).


  • Other – Drama

This is something you can do with a member of the family – or even the whole family!

  • One member of the family leaves the room while the others agree on a scene to act out like working in a pizza shop or lining up for a race.
  • The family member returns and must try to guess what you are doing.
  • Swap places and let a different person have a go.

Think about your whole body and facial expression. Remember you might need to be a little bit EXTRA with your movements in order for them to be noticed.

Have fun 🙂

Daily challenges 2/4/20

Buenas Dias P4/5

I hope you are all doing well and are getting out for some daily exercise. I saw a seal and a deer yesterday evening during my daily walk 🙂

The challenges today:

  • Languages

You have a choice of 3 activities for languages. If you can’t get into Teams, the link to Miss Craig’s assignment is here.

The links to the video and recipe in the assignment are below in case you can’t open them from the document.

The other recipe is here.


  • Numeracy

Mild: Practice telling the time at different points during the day – set the hands on your cardboard clock to match a digital clock/watch or the time on a computer. Check with an adult if you need help. Try the spicy challenge if it is o’clock or half past. Use your cardboard clock and move the hands around like a real clock to help you work out the answer (don’t forget to move both hands if it is half past). Other help on telling the time can be found on Education city (see the folder ‘Learn screens – Time’ in the classwork folder) or for a simple sheet, click  here.

Spicy: If you are confident at telling the time, try this instead: each time you look at the clock, write down the time and then write down how long it is until midday (use 6pm if it is past midday). Put your answers in a table:

Time now How long until midday? How long until 6pm?
10:15 am 1 hr 45 mins 7 hrs 45 mins
11:05am  55 minutes  6 hrs 55 mins

Hot: Do the spicy challenge and then convert your answer to minutes.

Remember: To convert the time to minutes, each hour has to be converted to 60 minutes.

  • 1 hr 45 mins = 60 minutes + 45 minutes. This is 105 minutes altogether.
  • 7 hrs 45 mins = (7 x 60) minutes + 45 minutes. 7 x 60 = 420 minutes. Add another 45 minutes = 465 minutes altogether.


Also practice your mental math skills by writing out your times tables, using Top Marks Daily 10 or using Hit the Button – focus on multiplication and division facts. You can use the mini whiteboard you made for your mental math (scroll back through the posts if you haven’t made one yet – it doesn’t take long!)

Daily Ten

Hit the button


  • Literacy

Use at least ten of your spelling words from the last 2 weeks (they can be common words or Fry’s words) and make a crossword or a word search with them. You could even combine the two – make a word search but instead of writing the words you have used, write clues for the words. If you can’t find your spelling words, make an Easter puzzle instead.

The word search is the mild challenge – I’m sure you all know how to make a word search. If you haven’t got squared paper, use some lined paper and draw extra lines going down the page using a ruler. Write all the letters in your grid in CAPITALS and remember to write the words down under your grid.

The word search with crossword clues is the spicy challenge because you will need to think up clues for each word. You could use a dictionary to help you. Write the clues under the grid instead of the words.

The crossword is the hot challenge, because you will need to plan how all the words fit together as well as write clues for each word.  Take a look at the picture below to get an idea of how to set it out.

If you can post your crosswords/word searches on the Teams page, then your friends can have a go at them 🙂

You can print this Easter Crossword from here.

Daily Challenges 1/4/20

Hola P4/5 🙂

Here are today’s challenges:

  • Literacy:

If you did yesterday’s A-Z challenge, then you will have a big list of nouns that you can use for today’s challenge. A noun is an object, animal, person or place and today your challenge is to write an adjective for each of the things you found yesterday.

An adjective is a describing word – it could be the colour, the size, the shape, how it feels, or if you had a person on your list, what they are like (kind, caring, neat, funny, etc.). Have a look at the things you found and find a good describing word for each of them. Try to find a different adjective for every word. That might sound a bit tricky, but just try to think of WOW words – if an object is red, then you could use scarlet or crimson for something else. A thesaurus will help you if you have one.

If you didn’t do yesterday’s challenge, you could do it today. If you can’t find your list from yesterday (I know I have that problem sometimes!) then find 25 objects that are in the same room as you and write adjectives for those.

  • Numeracy:

Keep practicing telling the time with the analogue clock you made (see the link on 30/3/20 if you haven’t made one yet). Here are some links to BBC bitesize if you need a bit of help:

First Level

Second Level

The other thing you are going to practice is estimating and measuring time.

  • Find a watch/clock that shows you minutes and seconds – if you can find a stopwatch that would be even better (maybe on a phone or iPad).
  • Start the stopwatch (or wait until the clock/watch changes to a new minute) and close your eyes.
  • Open your eyes when you think a minute is up. How close were you? Practice this a few times to see if you get better at it. Write down how long your eyes were shut each time.
  • Do the same thing for 5 minutes. Write down your times.

Once you’ve had a bit of practice, choose one of these activities:

Activity 1

Make a list of things that you think will take about a minute. Try to think of some good ones. Time each activity to see if you were right. Then make a list of activities that you think will take about 5 minutes. Time these too. Here are some ideas to get you started – will these take 1 minute… 5 minutes,,, or longer?

making your bed, tidying your room, making a cup of tea, making a sandwich, having a shower, eating your lunch, feeding a pet, brushing your teeth, running round the garden 5 times, counting to 100, writing your name ten times, practicing your spellings, writing out the 5x table (you can add your own too!)

Activity 2

Make a list of things you are going to do during the day and try to estimate how long each one will take. You can choose any activities, but here are some examples to get you started:

  • Helping make lunch
  • Eating lunch
  • Working in the garden
  • Making a sandwich
  • Walking the dog/ feeding a pet/ cleaning a cage
  • Having a bath/shower
  • Bedtime story


  • Other

Mrs Nicol will be setting a science challenge on the Teams page – if you can’t access Teams today, try something from the Mystery Science people. They are providing lots of free science activities for children that are learning from home at the moment.

Daily challenges 31/3/20

Buenas dias P4/5.

Today’s challenges are:

  • Literacy – Indoor scavenger hunt

Get a piece of paper or your homemade whiteboard (see the post on 25/3/20 if you haven’t made one yet) and write out the alphabet like this:

Try to find an object in your house for each letter and write it on your sheet – check that you spell each word correctly by using a dictionary.

You get the following points for each letter.

  • 1 point each – A, E,  L, N, R, S, T
  • 2 points each – B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, O, P
  • 5 points each – Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

You have a maximum time period of 1 hour for the scavenger hunt. What score can you get?


  • Numeracy – time

Make a timetable of your day – if you start this activity part-way through the day, try to estimate the times for things you have already done. Ask an adult for help if you need it. If you made the cardboard clock from yesterday, use this to practice telling the time  as you fill in your timetable.

Simple version: Use am/pm and just write the start time of your activities:

Harder version: Use the 24hr clock and try to put the start and end time of your activities:

Post your scavenger hunt answers after 3pm on the daily challenge page and send me your timetables tomorrow.



If you have some wool and thick cardboard available, this is a project you can complete over a few days. Follow the link to learn how to weave with a cardboard loom. If you don’t have wool, try this idea instead.

Daily challenges for 30/3/20

Hola P4/5, I hope you had a good weekend.

A short post as it’s quite late (I forgot to change my clocks!).



  • Make an analogue clock out of cardboard and use it to practice telling the time – see the video here 


  • Words within words: find some cans, DVDs, books and look for words within words. This picture shows you just how many words you can get from one tin! Asda (as), smart (art), price (ice, rice), vegetable (table, tab, get). Remember – for words within words, the letters must stay in the same order.


  • Draw a map of your local area – look at a real map if you have one, or use an online version. Next time you go for a walk, mark all the houses with a rainbow in the window on your map. Take photos of your favourite ones.


Daily challenges 27/3/20

Here are Friday’s challenges – Enjoy! 


Option 1: Learn ten new words – use a reading book, open a dictionary at random, or ask an adult. They must be words you don’t already know (otherwise it isn’t a challenge!) Write / type / record them and find out their meanings. 

Option 2: Learn to spell your common and tricky words using sign language.

right-handed people

left-handed people


Make a division fact poster to help you learn the facts.  You can use your multiplication square to help you. Pick one of the tables that you find more tricky so that it is a proper challenge 🙂


Image result for image of division by 2 tables


Option 1: Draw someone in your life as a superhero.  Design a costume for them.  What is their superpower? If you have been writing the ‘If I were a superhero’ story, you could use this picture to illustrate your story!

Option 2: If you want to carry on with the ‘stick people’ that we were drawing in class, the web page I was using is here.

It starts off with adult proportions and you can try the different poses if you want more of a challenge. If you scroll down the page, you will see that it shows you the proportions of people at different ages. You could try drawing a ‘family portrait’ of stick people if you really want a challenge!

Things to remember:

  • Draw the bits shown in blue really lightly (you don’t need to draw all the heads – this is just to show you the proportions).
  • Think about the fractions you are using  – if you are drawing an adult, it is easier if your vertical line can easily be divided by 8 (which is the number of ‘heads’ high they are) for example 16cm or 24cm. A three-year old is five heads high, so the line should be easily divided by 5.

Daily challenges 26/3/20

Hola P4/5

Here are today’s challenges:

  1. Learn some Spanish:

When you open the link, click the little triangle on the left end of the black bar to play the song.  A MÍ ME GUSTA VIAJAR  means I like to travel ...

You can print off the activity sheet or draw a picture of how you would like to travel to school. Write the phrase ‘I like to travel …’ in Spanish on your picture.

2) Numeracy 

Find 2D and 3D shapes around your house/garden. How many different shapes can you find? Which shape can you find most of? Make a table with the names of different 2D and 3D shapes along the top and list all the different things you find under each heading.

You can get help for identifying and learning about shapes here:

This numeracy challenge is for laundry day!

Help sort out the dirty washing. You could sort it by colour, washing temperature (check the labels), delicate clothes… Any other ways? Sort the clothes into at least two piles and then count the number of items in each pile. What fraction of your washing goes into each pile (pairs of socks count as one)? Try sorting the clothes in different ways and seeing what fractions you get. Which person in your family has the most dirty clothes?

You can get fractions help on BBC bitesize here.

3) Mystery objects/Art:

Take some close up pictures of objects (use a macro setting if you have one) and see if anyone can guess what they are. You can post your pictures in the Art Gallery on our Teams page – I think these look like art!

Can you guess what they are?


No photo description available.


No photo description available.

3) Image may contain: night

Daily Challenges 25/3/20

Hola P4/5!

Hoy es el miércoles 25 de marzo.

¿Que tiempo hace hoy? (You can answer on the Daily Challenges page – in Spanish of course!)

Mrs Nicol is going to try to set a science assignment for you on the class Teams page and I will try to set you an assignment for writing, but in case there are problems opening the files, here are some challenges for you today. You don’t have to do everything!

1) Make your own mini whiteboard!

I used a plastic pocket – just like the one your home pack is in, although the thicker ones are better if you have one. Put some white paper or card (part of a cereal packet would do) inside the plastic pocket and ‘Ta-dah!’ Just use a normal felt-tip pen like we’ve been using at school. You might need to experiment with different pens to see which one works best. You can clean it with a damp cloth or tissue when you need to.

2) Literacy challenges

Spelling practice

If you haven’t got your words handy, here they are:

P4:  mansion, pension, division, television, vision, inclusion, revision, confusion, decision, explosion, comprehension

P5: machine, chalet, brochure, chute, chic, chiffon, chute, chef, chicane (remember – for these, the ‘ch’ sounds like ‘sh’)

If any of these are new words for you, try to find out what they mean.


Remember the ‘VCOPs and robbers’ game that we played in school last week? Here is my version! Use the words in bold by the bullet points for this challenge. VCOP is explained in the instructions underneath:

  • V = immediately
  • C = because
  • O = slowly
  • P = ?

V = Vocabulary – use this word in a sentence correctly (you might need to look it up to find out what it means).

C = Connective – use this word correctly to join two smaller sentences.

O = Opener – use this word at the start of your sentence.

P = Punctuation – use this punctuation correctly in a sentence.

You were all amazing at adding WOW words and other punctuation when we did this is class, so I can’t wait to see what you come up with 🙂

3) Numeracy

Do a Bird Survey. Sit by a window and make a list of birds you see – create a tally chart a bit like the one below. You could sit there for 15 minutes to do a survey or spend 5 minutes each hour to see if the birds change during the day. If you try the second method, you will need more columns for ‘tally’ (write the time you do the survey at the top of each column).

This image will remind you how to draw your tally marks. This makes it easy to count up how many of each bird you see.

This website will help you identify any birds you see.


4) Music

Try making a musical instrument – you can find instructions here:

Have fun, and let me know what you do by posting on our Teams pages 🙂

Daily Challenges: Tuesday 24th March (martes, el veinticuatro de marzo)

I’m learning something new again – how to write a blog! Somebody suggested this would be a great way of setting you some challenges if the internet is being a bit slow and I can’t upload files, so let’s see if it works…

Challenges and things to do
  1. Literacy – what words can you make from these scrabble letters? You can only use each tile once. Write down the words you make.

2. Mental maths – Add the numbers up in the corners to see how much each word is worth. The photo below shows you an example. What is the highest score you can get?

Wait until 3pm before posting your answers to these challenges on the new ‘Daily Challenge’ page in Teams so that everyone has a chance to have a go. Maybe you have scrabble at home – if so, challenge somebody to a game!

Other things to do today

It doesn’t matter what time you do these, or what order you do them in.

Reading – Pick a fiction or non fiction book to read. Then pick a literacy challenge from your home pack and either write in your jotter or complete your challenge on paper. Put a photo on ‘The Library’ page in Teams if you can (you might need to wait til later in the day when the internet is less busy). If you haven’t got your home pack yet, tell me some facts you learnt (if your book is non ficton) or draw a mind map to describe the main character in your book (if it is fiction).

Tuesday is PE day, so check out the assignments that Miss Bainbridge has posted on the general page. You all have your own file.

Art – How to draw Rennie Mackintosh roses. Watch these videos and give this a try. Don’t worry if you don’t have a sharpie or some of the other art materials – be inventive and think what else you could use! I’ve put a new page ‘The Art Gallery’ on our Teams page. Take a photo of your artwork and post it in the gallery if you can.