Daily Challenges 25/3/20

Hola P4/5!

Hoy es el miércoles 25 de marzo.

¿Que tiempo hace hoy? (You can answer on the Daily Challenges page – in Spanish of course!)

Mrs Nicol is going to try to set a science assignment for you on the class Teams page and I will try to set you an assignment for writing, but in case there are problems opening the files, here are some challenges for you today. You don’t have to do everything!

1) Make your own mini whiteboard!

I used a plastic pocket – just like the one your home pack is in, although the thicker ones are better if you have one. Put some white paper or card (part of a cereal packet would do) inside the plastic pocket and ‘Ta-dah!’ Just use a normal felt-tip pen like we’ve been using at school. You might need to experiment with different pens to see which one works best. You can clean it with a damp cloth or tissue when you need to.

2) Literacy challenges

Spelling practice

If you haven’t got your words handy, here they are:

P4:  mansion, pension, division, television, vision, inclusion, revision, confusion, decision, explosion, comprehension

P5: machine, chalet, brochure, chute, chic, chiffon, chute, chef, chicane (remember – for these, the ‘ch’ sounds like ‘sh’)

If any of these are new words for you, try to find out what they mean.


Remember the ‘VCOPs and robbers’ game that we played in school last week? Here is my version! Use the words in bold by the bullet points for this challenge. VCOP is explained in the instructions underneath:

  • V = immediately
  • C = because
  • O = slowly
  • P = ?

V = Vocabulary – use this word in a sentence correctly (you might need to look it up to find out what it means).

C = Connective – use this word correctly to join two smaller sentences.

O = Opener – use this word at the start of your sentence.

P = Punctuation – use this punctuation correctly in a sentence.

You were all amazing at adding WOW words and other punctuation when we did this is class, so I can’t wait to see what you come up with 🙂

3) Numeracy

Do a Bird Survey. Sit by a window and make a list of birds you see – create a tally chart a bit like the one below. You could sit there for 15 minutes to do a survey or spend 5 minutes each hour to see if the birds change during the day. If you try the second method, you will need more columns for ‘tally’ (write the time you do the survey at the top of each column).

This image will remind you how to draw your tally marks. This makes it easy to count up how many of each bird you see.


This website will help you identify any birds you see. https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/identify-a-bird/


4) Music

Try making a musical instrument – you can find instructions here:


Have fun, and let me know what you do by posting on our Teams pages 🙂