Daily challenges 31/3/20

Buenas dias P4/5.

Today’s challenges are:

  • Literacy – Indoor scavenger hunt

Get a piece of paper or your homemade whiteboard (see the post on 25/3/20 if you haven’t made one yet) and write out the alphabet like this:

Try to find an object in your house for each letter and write it on your sheet – check that you spell each word correctly by using a dictionary.

You get the following points for each letter.

  • 1 point each – A, E,  L, N, R, S, T
  • 2 points each – B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, O, P
  • 5 points each – Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

You have a maximum time period of 1 hour for the scavenger hunt. What score can you get?


  • Numeracy – time

Make a timetable of your day – if you start this activity part-way through the day, try to estimate the times for things you have already done. Ask an adult for help if you need it. If you made the cardboard clock from yesterday, use this to practice telling the time  as you fill in your timetable.

Simple version: Use am/pm and just write the start time of your activities:

Harder version: Use the 24hr clock and try to put the start and end time of your activities:

Post your scavenger hunt answers after 3pm on the daily challenge page and send me your timetables tomorrow.



If you have some wool and thick cardboard available, this is a project you can complete over a few days. Follow the link to learn how to weave with a cardboard loom. If you don’t have wool, try this idea instead.