Daily Challenges 1/4/20

Hola P4/5 🙂

Here are today’s challenges:

  • Literacy:

If you did yesterday’s A-Z challenge, then you will have a big list of nouns that you can use for today’s challenge. A noun is an object, animal, person or place and today your challenge is to write an adjective for each of the things you found yesterday.

An adjective is a describing word – it could be the colour, the size, the shape, how it feels, or if you had a person on your list, what they are like (kind, caring, neat, funny, etc.). Have a look at the things you found and find a good describing word for each of them. Try to find a different adjective for every word. That might sound a bit tricky, but just try to think of WOW words – if an object is red, then you could use scarlet or crimson for something else. A thesaurus will help you if you have one.

If you didn’t do yesterday’s challenge, you could do it today. If you can’t find your list from yesterday (I know I have that problem sometimes!) then find 25 objects that are in the same room as you and write adjectives for those.

  • Numeracy:

Keep practicing telling the time with the analogue clock you made (see the link on 30/3/20 if you haven’t made one yet). Here are some links to BBC bitesize if you need a bit of help:

First Level

Second Level

The other thing you are going to practice is estimating and measuring time.

  • Find a watch/clock that shows you minutes and seconds – if you can find a stopwatch that would be even better (maybe on a phone or iPad).
  • Start the stopwatch (or wait until the clock/watch changes to a new minute) and close your eyes.
  • Open your eyes when you think a minute is up. How close were you? Practice this a few times to see if you get better at it. Write down how long your eyes were shut each time.
  • Do the same thing for 5 minutes. Write down your times.

Once you’ve had a bit of practice, choose one of these activities:

Activity 1

Make a list of things that you think will take about a minute. Try to think of some good ones. Time each activity to see if you were right. Then make a list of activities that you think will take about 5 minutes. Time these too. Here are some ideas to get you started – will these take 1 minute… 5 minutes,,, or longer?

making your bed, tidying your room, making a cup of tea, making a sandwich, having a shower, eating your lunch, feeding a pet, brushing your teeth, running round the garden 5 times, counting to 100, writing your name ten times, practicing your spellings, writing out the 5x table (you can add your own too!)

Activity 2

Make a list of things you are going to do during the day and try to estimate how long each one will take. You can choose any activities, but here are some examples to get you started:

  • Helping make lunch
  • Eating lunch
  • Working in the garden
  • Making a sandwich
  • Walking the dog/ feeding a pet/ cleaning a cage
  • Having a bath/shower
  • Bedtime story


  • Other

Mrs Nicol will be setting a science challenge on the Teams page – if you can’t access Teams today, try something from the Mystery Science people. They are providing lots of free science activities for children that are learning from home at the moment.