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This Week in Nursery – 15.01.18

The children have been very interested in babies, so we want to continue this and have chosen this as an outcome.  We also have 13 new children and are going to explore good, effective hygiene – toileting, hand washing, tooth brushing.  This will take place in a number of areas throughout the setting and will be discussed and explored at circle times.

Monday – the afternoon children will be introduced to Mandarin.  Tuesday – circle time in the GP room.  Wednesday – we are starting the session with a circle time on babies and are delighted Mrs Boylan will be coming in with Holly to explore with the children.  At present we do not have a volunteer mum for the afternoon session but hope to have soon.  We will also we out in our wellies looking at literacy outdoors.  Thursday – yoga and Makaton.  Friday – PE in the hall, Mrs Eddie is continuing to develop the children’s ball skills.

Please remember to check the nursery board for changes and sign up for Share A Story week.


Happy New Year!

We wish you all a very happy and healthy 2018 and look forward to seeing the children tomorrow.  Can I once again thank you all for the lovely cards and gifts we received at Christmas.  Unfortunately we did not have time to post the afternoon party photos (and I forgot to take home the nursery iPad) so we will post those photos later this week.

For the week beginning 8/1/18 we will be:

Monday – catching up on all the children’s Christmas news at circle time and welcoming our new children and families to the nursery.  We have 13 children starting this week.  Tuesday – Talking tubs in the GP area to plan our next learning with the children.  Wellie Wednesday – everyone out taking part in a number of outdoor learning activities.  This would be a great time to check all wellies still fit your child’s feet.  Thursday – Yoga and Makaton  Friday – PE in the gym hall.

Keep an eye on the notice board to see when we are holding Share A Story sessions.

We need your help – if you have any of the following and no longer need them we would be delighted to have your donations.

Buttons,  ribbon, sequins, wooden spoons, old CDs/DVDs, pots and pans.

With the help of Mrs Stephen we will be setting up our lending library for the morning children.  If you can spare any time and feel you could help us with the afternoon library sessions please let Mrs Hay know.

Many thanks.