Monday 25th June 2018

This week in nursery we will be staying goodbye to Austen who has been with us for several sessions this term as part of our work experience programme.  Austen has been a hit with both the staff and morning children and we wish him all the best as he continues his journey.  We will have the “schoolers” (that’s what they have named themselves!) meeting with their buddies on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week and they will be heading to healthy tuck on Thursday.  Nursery sports are hopefully going to take place on Wednesday and we will be cheering the school on at their sports day on Friday.   Apparently there is a heatwave coming so please remember to slap on the sun cream and provide glasses and hats for protection.

Can I take this opportunity to thank all our parent helpers this year,  without your help we would not be able to go on in the community.  Many thanks to Mrs Stephen and Mrs Huddleston for helping us with the library.

If you have any donations to hand in for our Teddy Toddle we should be most obliged if you could do so asap and if you have any library books still at home please return them.

Many thanks

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