We started with a Talking Tub today full of Scottish things. For craft we made our own Highland Coos and a group of children made the popular Heather McCoo by Steve Brown. We decided it was a rainbow Coo because of all the lovely colours.
Miss Ross has a new Highland Coo on her farm which needed a name. Everyone suggested names and Kayla-May was the winner! Miss Ross will post a photo of Poppy soon. We were busy drawing and colouring thistles and at the easel we painted pictures of Rabbie Burns. Our home corner was turned into the kind of home Rabbie would have lived in long ago. The pre-school children went through to the school for a special assembly. We finished off the day dancing and singing to The Shooglie Woogly.
Looks like a busy week. Lucas did say he had been doing lots of difficult jobs!