Tag Archives: cooking

Methlick’s Masterchefs

A huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who sent in photographs of the wonderful food you’ve been making for my Feel-Good Friday challenge.

You’ve really inspired me to challenge myself and make some new things.   At the weekend I made butteries for the first time.  They weren’t easy, but I got there in the end!

Click  on the Sway to see all your amazing creations in the kitchen.



HWB – Food Technology – Spicy

As part of Methlick Eco Fortnight I was challenged to make one meat free meal. I made the recipe shown below.  The black beans were a delicious substitution for the chicken I would usually use.  Inspired by the grid, I then made the recipe into a little card to print off and add to my recipe book.

Do you have a recipe book where you keep all of your favourite recipes? Maybe you could share some of your favourite recipes with your teacher this week.  Let us know if you make a meat free meal this week and add your recipe to your Seesaw journal if you can.

Feel-Good Friday – Ms Rees

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you have enjoyed taking part in the challenges and activities that we suggested for you this week.  I thought we could round off the week with a different kind of Feel-Good Friday challenge.

Click on my Sway to find out more.  You can probably guess what it is from the picture!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

IMPORTANT :  Please don’t take part in this challenge without an adult’s permission and supervision.

I find cooking very therapeutic – especially making bread, even though I’m not very good at it!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all again next week.  😊