Category Archives: Curriculum Areas

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Week 2

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend with your families.

Here is a question to get you reflecting on your first week of Home Learning:

  • What has been the most challenging part of your Home Learning journey so far?

For me, it has been getting to grips with the new school blog. It has been challenging to keep up to date with comments and creating new posts to go up throughout the week. As the first week progressed, I became more comfortable with this new way of learning.

In my downtime, I have continued to practise the piano. Click on the Sway to see my progress over the last week! Do you know what song I am playing? If you’re not sure, ask someone in your family!

New – Outdoor Learning Grid 1

Hopeful for some spring sunshine and warmth we thought you might like to explore the challenges on Outdoor Learning Grid 1 to learn about worms, create a nest and investigate the rainbow spectrum of colours.

Outdoor Learning Grid 1

Capture your learning in your journal or sway and leave a COMMENT to let us know what you have been learning to do. Help everyone to feel connected and that we are learning together.

Mild challenge

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt – Rainbow_Nature_hunt

Nest resource – giant-nest-building-sheet

Spicy challenge

Nest resource – pdf_build_a_bird_nest

Hot challenge

Worm resource – Opal Lab Worm Identification Chart

Rainbow resource – making-rainbows

Nest resource – andygoldsworthy-slideshare

When you come back indoors:

Mild challengers might like to sit and listen to ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. Worms are superheroes in our gardens. Can you find out why?

Spicy challengers might like to sit and listen to ‘Yucky Worms’ by Vivian French. You could turn the sound off and read the book independently by pausing the clip at the right time for you. List the facts you learn from the story in your journal or sway.

Hot challengers, older children might like to watch the Springwatch documentary about earthworms which includes information about their importance, varieties. predators, how they reproduce and how to investigate them.  Creating a mindmap would help you to summarise the main points in your learning journal or sway.


Haiku Challenge – Grid 1 – Hot!

Today I thought I’d attempt a HOT challenge from the Literacy grid, as I know a few of you have done this already.

With poetry, remember that ‘less is more’,  so choose your words carefully and remember to paint a picture in the reader’s mind.

Drifting slowly down
Like pink confetti falling – 
Cherry blossom tree.

Trees scrape the night sky,
Bare branches clutching at stars.
The storm is coming.

And now a silly one  –

Stretching and yawning,
The world’s laziest cat wakes – 
“Time for my tea, Mum!”

Hope you’ll have a go too! 🙂

Health and Wellbeing Grid 1 – Hot Challenge – Reflective Journal

I have taken time to reflect upon and write about my experiences this week.

I used Book Creator on the iPad.

I do feel much better for doing this.

To put the Book Creator journal in my Sway I exported it as a video.

When I played it in Sway it was fine but possibly a bit sombre so I added a soundtrack to the video journal in movie maker before I inserted it into Sway.

You have the option to download a PDF of your book in Book Creator as well as exporting as a video.

This is a PDF of the journal – it takes quite a while to load with our internet connection at home.

Ms Rossvoll’s Reflective Diary

Numeracy – Mild – Doubles Fun!

Good morning everyone!

Being able to remember and recall doubles facts is an important skill.

Try these activities and challenges.

Get to know double facts

Challenge yourself with doubles

Have fun with doubles!

These resources might be helpful.

twinkl blank numberline to 10

twinkl blank numberline to 20

Twinkl numberline to 20

twinkl ladybird doubles

twinkl ladybird doubles sheet 2 

ladybird detective wildlife watch


Spelling Battleships: Fancy a game? Literacy

Spelling Battleships

Want to try something new to help with learning your spelling words.

This game can be played with any collection of words, players can use different words or words from the same list.

Just like battleships you are trying to sink words not ships. The instructions are on the pdf provided. If you do not have a printer do not worry, you can easily make up two grids with a pencil and ruler.

I played the game with someone and we chose words from the Spicy Column. I can’t wait to hear how you get on.

Spelling Battleships 

Mr. Mutch