Category Archives: P1 Ms Rossvoll

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN – Tonight’s the Night!

It is finally here…

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN is this evening.

Can you believe it!?

We are all so excited to share with you the hard work the community of Methlick have put into creating the Big Night In. We hope it will be a memorable evening for you all.

So, you are asking yourself, how does it work?

The video has already been uploaded to Youtube and is there waiting. On Youtube we have set it to go live at 7pm as a Premiere Party. That means that you can have the video open waiting but the show will not start until 7pm. So, if you join us at 7pm, everyone will be watching at the same time.

While the show is on you can pause and go back if you want, please do not feel you can’t press pause.

Where can I watch it?

Most devices have Youtube as an app or a program. You can view the show from a games console, smart tv, phone, laptop or tablet. The video is on our Youtube account. You can search ‘Methlick Primary’ to find us.

We would suggest being ready for the show to start, so have the link open on whatever screen you are watching from about 6:45. There will be a countdown telling you how long until it starts to play.

Click me to take you to the Youtube Web Page of the Show 

Or you can view it on the blog, below.

How can you be ready? 

The evening can be anything you want it to be, make a night of it and get dressed up or get comfy and dress down. The only thing you need is a pen and paper to write down your answers.
Take a photo with your family during the event and share it with your teachers.

Now remember, if you want to listen to the question again, you can pause and rewind. Each question will have a 10 second timer and if that isn’t long enough you can pause.

Want to read the questions as well?

We have you covered, download our question sheet below which you can print off and use during the show.

The Questions

Who can play? 


Try to let the youngest of the team answer first, then work your way up to the eldest as there are specific questions for certain ages.

Have an amazing evening everyone!



Health Heroes- Special Guest No3 Click Me #ThereisNothingLikeAMethlickDame

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our last Health Hero for this week, our key focus has been looking at our Mental, Physical and Social Wellbeing.

Dame Evelyn Glennie began to lose her hearing aged 8 and became profoundly deaf aged 12 however this did not stop her in becoming one of the most famous percussionists on an international level.

I’d like to finish this week off with another local hero who embraces all aspects of Music and has achieved so much by showing some determination and having a growth mindset!

We’ll be back Next Tuesday for some sport themed Health Heroes.

As always please leave some comments for Dame Evelyn Glennie to see!



Mild Literacy – Book Bear Club #2

Thank you to everyone who has joined the Book Bear Club.

Dot would like to share another of her favourite books with you.

‘The Cloudspotter’ by Tom McLaughlin

We read the story together at our thoughtful spot just when the sun was lower in the sky, it was very peaceful.


Have you spotted anything in the clouds?

This is what Dot and I have spotted.

By the way ,on Tuesday Dot shared the story ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’

I have always wondered if a ladybird could be bad tempered as I am rather fond of them.

This link takes you to the Countryside Classroom where they investigate this question. (a lot of text )

On page 3 they answer some questions

On page 5 they tell you how to make ladybirds happy.

Numeracy – Lego Time!

We are all learning about time. Being challenged to do something within a certain amount of time can be great fun!

Warm up with some yoga poses. Can you do at least 5 minutes of yoga each day?

Here are some Superhero Poses.

Many of you are Lego experts! Lego is something you go back to again and again! It is something you love to do!

On our timetable this week there was a column left blank for you to focus on what you LOVE learning to do.

Can you create a Lego challenge for others to complete within a certain amount of time?

Send your drawings, photos, animations, video tutorials to your class teacher and we will feature them on the blog!

This is mine – 30 second challenge – very basic! I’m not an experienced lego builder! I’m sure you can help us all to improve!



Mild Literacy and HWB – Sky journal

I hope you have enjoyed being outdoors and observing the sky.

Did you SEE, THINK and WONDER?

I was left wondering what some of the clouds shapes were called.

Some people choose to observe the sky as a job, they are called Meteorologists.

Mrs Still ,as well as being one of our wonderful PSAs, is a Meteorologist Observer.

She has kindly written this  guide to the clouds for us, isn’t that fantastic!

I have had a go at writing a sky journal.

I’m not finished, now that I have Mrs Still’s book I am going to have a go at writing about different cloud formations, I will share on Friday.

Take a blanket and lie down and look at the sky, I find it very calming! ENJOY!

Eco Fortnight Update and BBC Bitesize Lessons

A huge thanks to everyone for sending all their Eco work and ideas in. Each class received lots of lovely Eco posters and items of work.

Here is a great  example of a piece of work that was shared.

We also had a number of photos sent in for tracking animals during your daily walks.

I have added some here –

We have also been very lucky to have been sent some photos from our Schoolhouse neighbours, can you guess what bird has made a nest in our greenhouse?

Our reporter tells me there are 6 hungry mouths waiting to be fed.

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

If you have some time this week or next and want to learn more about the planet around us I have looked up the BBC Bitesize lessons to share some with you.

Schedule – BBC bitesize

This week the Geography lessons are –

P1/2/3 Oceania

P4/5 Mountains

P6/7 Rainforests

Next week –

P1/2/3 South America

P4/5 Weather/Climate

P6/7 Fossil Fuels

If you watch them leave a comment to let everyone know if they were interesting or not. So far the lessons have been really interesting and some have guest presenters.  You can find them on catch up once aired so don’t feel you have to stick to the timings.



Mild Numeracy – What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

Tick Tock! Look at the Clock!

If you have made a timetable you might need to set an alarm to remind you to do something.

I have an alarm set for 11am to remind me to photograph the sky and an alarm set for the time I should be going to bed!

Throughout the day look at your clock on the hour and half past the hour, maybe you could set an alarm in your phone. What are you doing at those times?

Make your own clock

to do this you need to be able to

  • write the numbers 1 to 12 on stones, shells, pieces of slate.
  • order numbers to 12 in a clockwise direction
  • find a short stick and a long stick
  • colour the tip of the short stick, the hour hand

CHALLENGE – To add more information to your clock

  • Write number stones for counting in 5s up to 60
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 etc
  • order the stones clockwise starting at 12


Make a paper clock

Learn about o’clock

Learn about half past

Pretend to be a clock

  • Ask someone to shout out a time.
  • Use your arms to show what time it is.

White Rose Maths Time Booklet Year 1

White Rose Maths Time Booklet Year 2

fun TIME!

Dandelion Clocks!

When I was little I would love finding these seed heads intact and using them to ‘tell the time’. I would blow the dandelion and say 1 o’clock, blow the dandelion – 2 o’clock etc. I would ask what time it was and then try to blow the dandelion that number of times to confirm that a dandelion clock did work!

What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

Watch these children playing this game. Could you do this with your family?

Enjoy this story ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’ being read by the author Debi Gliori

Learn these dance moves to help you keep in TIME to the music

So many of you are still enjoying learning about bees .

Then visit the Magic Door Beehive Dance to take part



Mild – Literacy – Welcome to Book Bear Club!

Dot invites you to join Book Bear Club!

  • Book Bears are excited about reading.
  • They share information about their favourite books.
  • They give books paws ratings – 5 paws is the highest level a Book Bear can award.
  • Book Bears read everywhere!

Dot is sharing one of her favourite books today – click on the sway to find out more!

SPOILER ALERT – Dot tells you about the end of the story!

Best to watch this Book Bear Review after listening to the story!

Dot used Chatterpix on the iPad to make this for you.

It is a free app.

What could you use to share a message about your favourite book?

A drawing, voice message, typed message in SeeSaw.

Send your favourite book messages to Ms Rossvoll or Mr Mutch and we will share them with everyone in Book Bear Club!