Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 3

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Street Racer

Miss Deans will be playing – Animals

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Area and Measurement – Outdoor Learning

In keeping with our Eco theme, I have thought of some maths-related outdoor activities which I hope you’ll enjoy.  The first is on the topic of Area, while the second is on Measuring.

Explanations for both activities can be found in the Sway below.

Remember – there are links on the Spicy grid which provide help with calculating area and measurements.  Check them out if you’re unsure about anything.

Don’t forget to record your findings in your Home Learning Journal or Sway.  You can also send them to myself or your teacher in an email to let us see your results.

Good luck!


Let’s Travel!- Spanish Speaking Countries

Hola Methlick!

Today our activities will take us around the world. We can’t leave our houses just now but that doesn’t stop us from exploring. You are going to learn which countries speak Spanish, where you can find them in the map and their flags. You can choose from spicy or hot and  there will be extra challenges too!

We will be using Google Earth, if for some reason it doesn’t work, you can always use Google Maps.

Let’s see.

Banderas – Flags

Spanish Speaking Countries
There are 20 countries and 1 territory that belongs to the US, that Speak Spanish has their mother tongue: España – Ecuador – Venezuela – Argentina – Perú – Cuba – República Dominicana – Ur…
Go to this Sway

Mild Health and Wellbeing – Wander in the wild!

When I wander I always spot a change of some sort or other. I love picking natural things up and collecting.

I wonder what you might collect on your wander?

Primary 1 made fantastic dragons and fairies after collecting in the school grounds!

Primary 1’s great ideas inspired me to go out and collect to make a reading book for you. Can you spot what I have collected to make the pictures with?


Now when I think about what I have learned about dandelions I would like to have a lion; and a sun in the grass would be a portal to somewhere special in my next story!

What ideas do you have?

This mild challenge encourages you and your family to investigate the different types of plants, creatures and their habitats – where they live – in your local area. These plants, creatures and us depend on each other to be healthy and survive.

A love of being outdoors and being curious about where we live and what links all living things is a never ending source of learning.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about dandelions – more information to follow!


Mild Numeracy – Tallest Dandelion Competition!

We are learning about biodiversity. Living things depend on each other to be healthy and survive.

I can see dandelions appearing in my garden and on my daily walk.

I often spot creatures sunbathing on them or with their head in the centre doing something.

Competition Time!

What is the length of the tallest dandelion you can find?

Use numeracy skills – counting, tallying, measurement and information handling to investigate and win the competition!

Leave a comment on the blog or in SeeSaw telling us about what you find – photographic evidence would be great to see!

 Some more questions for you to investigate

  • Do dandelions grow in your garden?
  • Where do they grow?
  • Do the dandelions you find grow in groups or are they on their own?
  • Why do so many dandelions grow in one area compared with another area that is quite close?
  • Why are some short?
  • Why are some very tall?
  • Why are some closed and others open?
  • Why are there some patches that only have leaves?
Can you think of any more questions to investigate?

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Good morning everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and are excited to see the new Home Learning Grids.

Over the last week, I have been learning to play a song called ‘True Colours’ by Cyndi Lauper. The reason for selecting this song was because the Methlick School Choir have been learning it too!

Time to reflect  – Which activity did you enjoy most from the previous Home Learning Grids and why?