Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #3

In their Hardest Challenge Yet, the Teachers are Back!

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid returns this week to bring you an episode inside. We understand not everyone is able to get outside as much as they would like. So, this challenge is perfect for indoors. 

This challenge needs time and patience, a perfect opportunity for you to find a quiet space to practice. It is best when you have calm breathing and you are focused. This challenge was really hard for both Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid.
We both had to believe in ‘The Power of Yet!’ and keep trying. 
We are now on episode 3 and we are both very thankful to all the families taking part and making it a big competition in their homes. We have been sent pictures, videos and messages of all the hilarity these challenges have caused.

Enjoy episode 3 and don’t forget to message in your time and find out where you place on the leaderboard next week!

24 thoughts on “Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #3”

  1. This challenge looks good! But difficult,cant wait to challenge my brothers again! We look forward to Wednesdays now,and love laughing at the videos😄

    1. Thank you for your kinds words, Austin! Mr Mutch and I are thrilled that the Harris family are enjoying our videos. Thank you so much for taking part every week.

    2. Thank you Austin, We enjoy making the videos to see all the engagement it brings. Good Luck with this week’s challenge

  2. My brother and I really enjoyed watching this together. He said these are the best videos on the internet at the moment.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Emilee. Mr Mutch and I are glad that you enjoy the videos! We hope that you will take part in the challenges too.

  3. We loved the video, especially when Mr Reid googled how to defeat Mr mutch again.
    We tried lots of times but can only make a two level tower. We did it on the carpet to make it easier.
    Henry and Dee

    1. It definitely was a challenging task to complete. I’m glad you kept trying it is a good goal to reach for no matter how long it takes you.

  4. This was such a hard challenge!and took a good few hours of practice!
    But we did it in the end and here is our results-

    1. Well done, everyone. I don’t have a pack of cards at home – wish I’d taken one home from school, as this is my kind of challenge!

    2. These times are incredible I think Mr.Reid and myself will have to come to you for some lessons in speed. Great Job!

  5. This looks like a very hard challenge! We had a quick go but couldn’t get any to stand up! We’ll keep practicing!

    1. It is very challenging! Mr Mutch and I had to practise, practise, practise and we realised that even making small improvements was progress. Focus on one tier at a time and then move onto the next one 🙂 Good luck

    1. I agree, Thomas. Mr Mutch and I think it is hardest challenge yet! It is good to hear that you are still trying – showing a positive mindset. My tip would be to not worry about your time – take as long as you need to construct your tower. Good luck!

  6. Wow this was a tough one! There were a few tears and tantrums trying to get this one done, and that was just from Daddy! We all had to try really really hard and practise lots of times. It taught me not to give up and to keep persevering.

    Mummy did it first in 6 minutes 1 s, then daddy did it in 2 minutes 5 second. Evie and I couldn’t do it. Evie gave up after trying lots of times and not being able to get past the first layer. I kept trying, got frustrated, tried again, and eventually this morning I did it! My time was 3 minutes 36 seconds. I am so proud of myself!

    1. Well done, the Campbell family! Some great times there. Poor Daddy – I can imagine his frustration when things didn’t go according to plan, but at least you (and he!) stuck in there and persevered. I was very lucky as I managed to do it on the very first attempt, but I tried unsuccessfully to build one with four tiers. Maybe you and your family could try that, now that you’ve mastered three tiers?

    2. Finlay, that is fantastic! Mr Mutch and I are so impressed that you kept on trying and trying. You should be so proud of yourself. Well done to the whole family! Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s episode to see where you all place on the leaderboard.

    3. Wow! Well done, especially for the perseverance and motivation! Well done Evie for completing the first layer and to you Finlay for trying so hard.Also, to Mum and Dad for trying so hard with you. That was a memorable lesson you will never forget, great job Campbell family! =)

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