P4 Fruity Tooty Smoothies

Both P4 classes have been making and selling smoothies, they have had visits from the Fife Arms Hotel, Coscutters, they have also visited Tesco. P7s and p2s have bought  smoothies so far.  We know that they have been working very hard on them. Many staff also bought smoothies, Mrs Dyrlaga said, “The banana and strawberry smoothie was scrummy.” Mrs Matthews tried the Watermelon and raspberry smoothie she said ” It was delicious and very refreshing”, Miss Bremnar also tried the watermelon and raspberry smoothie she said it was “very tasty, very fresh and left her wanting more.”

13 thoughts on “P4 Fruity Tooty Smoothies”

  1. Our next selling day is the 14th of march thursday. We are selling to the p6/18 class and the p1 classes. The market research group are asking the classes what smoothie they might like.There is strawberry and banana also watermelon and raspberry.

  2. Thank you for the information, Nathanial. I can’t wait till it’s P5’s turn to buy smoothies. 🙂

  3. Well done P4’s! I didn’t manage to try a smoothie last time but will have to make sure I do next time! Keep up the good work!

  4. I am looking forward to next smoothie making day as they were really delicious last time. Well done P4.

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