World Book Day 2013

*** Just a few days left to add your favourite book to the blog. Please join in, we love reading your comments!***

World Book Day is on the 7th March 2013. Two years ago we asked people to tell us about their favourite books. They told us the title and author, and a little bit about why it was their favourite. We received 177 comments from pupils, staff and parents but this year we want to  reach even more readers. Our plan is to contact  as many people as possible to find out what they like to read. To add your favourite book, click on  comments above and add your name, book title and author and why you like it. If you joined in last time, you can still take part….. maybe you love the same book or perhaps you’ve found a new favourite. We are going to contact Turriff Library to see if they would like to join our project, along with local organisations and sports teams.Add your comment before 25th March if possible. Please pass on the blog address to a reader and ask them to join in……grannies,granddads, uncles, aunties…. the more the merrier!

Thank you from Mrs Maclean and the blog team 🙂

292 thoughts on “World Book Day 2013”

  1. Fantastic! Was great to read about everyones favourite books two years ago and looking forward to it again this year. Lets see if we can also beat the 177 comments!

  2. I’ll start the ball rolling. 🙂 My new favourite book is called Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. I bought it last year and shared it with my class, it’s a very funny story about a granny with a secret. I would definitely recommend it!

  3. My favourite book is GANTSa GRANNY too it is about a boy called Ben and he thinks his granny is so boring!!!
    but his granny has a little secret she steals jems dun dun dun

    I love reading books i have a book called Red Feverbut i amn only on page 12 it is so good and funny

  4. Harry Potter books by J.K.Rowling are enchanting, spell binding and bewitching adored by children and parents alike.

  5. My all time favourite is A Town Like Alice by Neville Shute. It’s sad and happy at the same time, a bit historical and has a happy ending!

  6. I have just finished reading Dissolution by CJ Sansom. This was recommended to me and I really enjoyed it. It is set in 1537, a time of revolution in England. Lawyer Shardlake is sent to solve a murder at a Monastery and ends up with two more bodies to deal with. Now waiting to read the next novel.

  7. My favourite book to read with my wee boy is Room on the broom by Julia Donaldson, I just love doing the voice of the dragon! I think my son knows all the words now so its nice reading it together.

  8. My favourite book when I was VERY small, a long time ago, was called Pookie. It was about a little white rabbit with wings who left home because all the other animals made fun of him.I remember looking at the pictures over and over because they were so full of detail. Some of them seemed very scary because they showed dark forests and elves and gnomes hiding behind trees.Pookie was very sad at the start but there was a happy ending and he ended up living with a little girl called Belinda.I still have the book and will be showing it to my class on World Book Day.

  9. My favorite book is shrinking violet it is about a girl called violet and there is a ride at the fair that is the scariest ride ever called the plunger violet is finally tall enough to go on it but as they are waiting in line violet shrinks and she is as small as a fish finger no one can se her because she is so small.her chances of going on the plunger are ruined but Violet soon discovers being tiny can be terrific

  10. My favourite book is Ratburger by David Walliams because it’s funny and has lots of weird things in it. It’s about a young girl who has a pet rat, she meets a man that makes burgers out of rats and she tries to save all the rats he’s captured. It is really good!!!

  11. My favourite book is Diary of a wimpy kid dog days because i won it in a water stones competition I have had for 2 years now and it will be very special to me when I’m older.

  12. The book which I have chosen is one which I received as a prize for being 1st equal in P3. In those days you had to go round to Peter’s shop and choose your prize book. I chose A Little Magic for Barbara by Norah Pulling and read it over and over again after I was presented with it. It’s about a girl called Barbara who finds a marble which will grant her wishes, but some of her wishes land her in trouble. The paper cover is ripped because I read it so often, but I have kept it all these years and would be very upset if I lost it. Happy Reading everyone!

  13. My favourite book is the night before Christmas, my whole family read it together on Christmas eve.
    I had it when I was very small and it means a lot to me.

  14. My FAVOURITE books of all time would have to be the box set of The Secret Seven. It is all about a group of seven boys and girls who solve mysteries and crimes. The author Enid Blyton always leaves you wanting to read more. If you like adventure books I would recomend these. They are FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!

  15. My favourite book at the moment is The Owl who was Afraid Of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. It is about an owl that doesn’t like going out in the dark. I like this book because it is about animals and i LOVE animals.I would recommend this book to other people who like animals too!!

  16. my FAVOURITE book is Cinderella because i got it from my grate Nannie. I don’t read it any more because it is really old and is starting to break a little bit but i would hate to loose it because it is really special to me.

  17. My favourite book is the 3 little pigs because it was the first book my mum and dad red to me when I was little it is funny and I love it

  18. My favourite book is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, its quite complicated but it is very good it has been made into a movie aswell, it is an adventure story which i love.

  19. My favourite book is four children and it by Jacqueline Wilson because it is very exciting and weird.It is about a thing that gives out wishes and lives in the sand.

  20. When I was little I used to love going to the library in Inverurie and choosing new books. I especially liked the Meg & Mog books which were all about a friendly witch and her friends the cat and owl. As an adult I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Harry Potter books by J K Rowling. Her choice of words to describe the characters, events and scenes were amazing and the story itself was so well told I just kept wanting to find out what happened next! I laughed, cried, felt scared and excited as well as confused at times when I couldn’t quite work out why things were happening. A must read for all!

  21. my favourite book is Rose by Holly Webb i really love it..Its about a girls who\’s left behind then she realises that orphans are disappearing its really interesting !!

  22. My favourite book is Little Miss Magic by Roger Hargeraues because it is funny and silly.

  23. My favorite book is jimmy Boyle a sense of freedom because it was a true story about a young boy growing up in Glasgow and joining in with the wrong crowd and ending up in a jail in peterhaead

  24. My favourite book has GOT to be Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter because it is scary,mysterious. I t makes you want to just keep reading and reading until you finish the whole book. It sometimes at parts makes you feel really anxious, but then it normally all gets sorted out in the end and you feel so relived. Its strange because it makes you feel as if you are actually there in the same sitution. I also love the movies. Its just brilliant

  25. My favourite book is The Lego Book by Daniel Lipkowitz. It’s about the lego sets, the lego history and Legoland.

  26. My favourite book is Catherine Cookson, The long corridor.I love this book because it’s all about the golden olden days and how tough life was back then,makes us appreciate how lucky we are nowadays.

  27. It’s so hard choosing a favourite book as there are just so many books which I love, from the Harry Potter series to Roald Dahl selection of wonderful tales. However, my all time favourite book is called Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela. It is his Autobiography which tell his life story and his fright for South Africa’s freedon. Nelson Mandela is an inspirational man and his book has taught me many important life lessons.

  28. My favourite book is The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. It’s a wonderful story about a very brave mouse and his adventure through a deep dark wood. My mummy and I read it together every night and we enjoyed using different voices for the Gruffalo and the mouse. The books has helped me learn the name of different animals and I am now an expert Gruffalo hunter! I LOVE BOOKS!

  29. My favourite book is the Magic Carpet Slippers by Dick King-Smith. I chose this book because it was exciting and funny. It’s about a man called Old Mr Sloggett who has a pair of slippers that are magic. When he puts them on he can do anything! I really enjoyed reading this book because I always wanted to keep reading to find out what the slippers were going to do next! When I read it I also enjoyed looking at the pictures because they helped me imagine what the setting looked like. I would recommend this book! It’s super!

  30. My FAVOURITE BOOK is the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins because it is very good,exciting,detailed and at the end of every chapter makes you want to read more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I have many favourite books but one that I particularly enjoyed reading lately was My Best Friend’s Girl by Dorothy Koomson.
    It’s about two girls who have been friends since childhood. They fall out later in life and don’t talk for many years until bad news brings them together again and changes the life of one of the girls for ever.

  32. My favourite book is Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban because it is magical and I LOVE the Harry Potter books it’s adventurous so I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure books!

  33. My favourite book when I was younger has to be Matilda by Road Dahl. It’s a story about a very clever little girl who loves books and reading. Matilda has horrible parents called the Wormwoods who think it is a waste of time for Matilda to read books and they think she should spend more time watching the T.V instead. Matilda makes friends with her school teacher Miss Honey and together they discover that Matilda has magical powers! Another reason for my love of Road Dahl’s books, is that his books are usually illustrated by my favourite artist- Quentin Blake, he is amazing!

  34. My favourite book is Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl. I love how smart and witty the animals are made out to be!! It makes me laugh every time I read it!

  35. My favourite series are the Chalet School books. There are over 60 of them and were written between the 1920s and the 1960s by Elinor Brent-Dyer. The girls at the school have lots of adventures, especially during the war.

  36. My Favorite book is the Twits! because it is very funny and you can imagine Mr Twit and Mrs Twit fighting!

  37. Hello from Teacher Suzi and Class 6 at St Crispin’s in Edinburgh.
    Currently our favourite book is probably The Wide-Mouthed Frog cos it is funny when our teacher does silly voices.. We are a secondary class of five 14-year-olds but we all have quite serious learning difficulties so find it hard to read. We love The Gruffalo DVD and Steady Eddie too which is all about Eddie Stobbart trucks. One of our classmates loves Peppa Pig, probably because it has a character called Suzie the sheep, like our teacher in her cosy jumpers!
    Good luck with your World Book Day posts!
    Suzi and Class 6

  38. Of mice and men by John Steinbeck. Its about the only thing that has stuck in my head from my time at school!! The ultimate story of friendship.

  39. Jill’s Gymkhana by Ruby Ferguson because she moves into a house that has a stable and gets a horse and I’ve always hoped that will happen to me one day!

  40. One of my favourite books was Wreck of the zanzibar by Michael Murpurgo, I read it in Primary and it was good.

  41. I loved reading P.S I love you by Celcelia Ahern, then the film came out and it was so sad, but very good, I really enjoyed it and I needed hankies.

  42. My favourite book is The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien. I read it when I was in S1 or S2 and I really enjoyed seeing the film version recently.

  43. My favorite book is the gruff also because when I was little I used to read it all the Time and now I read it to my niece Robyn and she thinks its really funny

  44. My favourite book is called Aircraft it is about planes an helicopters. I got it when I was small it is by Grandreams Books.

  45. My favourite books when I was younger were the Famous Five Books by Enid Blyton. I read and loved all 21 books. I really liked the fact that the group of children would go off on adventures across to Kirren Island and solve many mysteries. I always wanted to play the chracter George (Georgina) and have a dog called Timmy.

    I also enjoyed reading Swallows and Amazons, written by Arthur Ransom. These were also books about a group of children, the Swallows and the Amazons who would go off sailing on their boats to solve all sorts of mysteries. My favourite part of the book was when the Swallows and Amzons blew the roof off of Captain Flints houseboat.

  46. My faviorite book by any chance is well there are two The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

  47. My favourite book as a kid was probably The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl about a tricksy croc who wants to gobble up children. I loved Dahl’s books as they were full of characters who were up to no good. I even named my tortoise after his book Esio Trot! As an adult I still like mischievous characters and have read the Harry Potter books more times than any other books.

  48. Like Calum James, my favourite book is The Gruffalo, especially when my Daddy does silly voices for all the animals. The mouse has a Scottish voice, like Mrs Doubtfire. The Fox is posh, the owl is hooty, and the snake hisses. Best of all is the Gruffalo – a loud, Eastenders type of accent! Makes me giggle 😀

  49. My favourite book is Stanley. It is about a caveman who is diffrenet so the other caveman don’t like him, but in the end he builds a house and teaches the other caveman how to be nice to people.

  50. My favourite book is Horrid Henry series becuase they are funny and I think this “I want to now what happened next.It is by Tony Ross I got it from a book set.

  51. My favourite book is War Horse By Michael Morpurgo.
    I like it because the horse looks like my Horse!!

  52. My favourite book is called Harry Potter Page To Screen by Bob McCabe. It tells you how they made the movies and the props and artifacts. 🙂

  53. My favourite book is Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. My favourie book out of the seris is “The Third Wheel” which is the newest one. 🙂

  54. My favourte book is diary of a wimpy kid dog days.The author is jeff kinney he is a good writer.I got the book from the internet.

  55. My favourite book is If Dinosaurs Came To Toww by Dom Mansell because every time I look at a picture I always notice something new.

  56. My favourite book is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. It is about 12 boys and 12 girls are forced to appear in a live show called the hunger games. I like this book because it is a thriller book which I like.:)

  57. My favourite book is Ratburger, it is by David Walliams.
    I like it because it changes from sad to happy at the end!!

  58. My favourite book is Brownies Friends Forver by Caroline Plaisted.Its ever smart.It shows a recipe for Lamingtons.

  59. My favourite book is real life monsters. I got it from the scholastic book fair. I like it because I don’t really like story books I like books with interesting facts and frightening monsters.

  60. My favourite book is Double act and The WORST thing about my sister by Jacqueline Wilson because once you read them you want to read more. Double act is the best. And Jacqueline Wilson puts a lot of detail into her books.

  61. My faourite book is called Black tide i got it from caroline clough the author of the book. I like it because people get stolen and woolfs rool the world.

  62. My favourite book is The Worst thing about my Sister by Jacqueline Wilson. I really like the book because Jacqueline makes her books really interesting, when I started to read the book, I couldnt stop reading it, thats how good it is.

  63. My favourite book would be Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Dog Days because it is very funny and when you start reading it you want to read more. The author is Jeff Kinney, I liked the first book and wanted to read more by that author and now I pratically have all the Diary Of a Wimpy Kid books! 🙂

  64. My favourite book is the BFG by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. The BFG stands for the Big Friendly Giant!

  65. My favourite book is Red Fever by Caroline Clough. You can not just read one chapter because it makes you want to read more! It is just AMAZING!!!!

  66. My favourite book is Running Wild by Michele Morpurgo I like it because it is giriping and is full of suspence. The story is about a boy who’s dad dies in the army so his mum and him go on holiday his mum goes swiming while he rides on an elephant. A sunamey is aprouching the beach not that he knows it ,the elephant suddenly runs into the jungle. You will have to read it if you want to find out what happens. 😀

  67. my favourite book is diary of a wimpy kid, the reason its my favourite book is because that its a fun book and funny.
    it is a fiction wich is not real, but it does sound like they are talking about a real boy. even though they made movies about greg, wich is the boy in the story.

  68. My favrite book is mum minder it is about a mum thet is ill so her daugter needs to look after the baby

  69. My favourite book is Beast Quest Ferno The Fire Dragon by Adam Blade.The book is a non fiction.It is about an evil wizard that enchanted the magical beasts of Avantia. It is my favourite book because it is amazing.

  70. my favourite book at the moment is lego star wars-the visual dictionary. It tells you everything there is to know about nearly every lego star wars set. BEST BOOK EVER!!!:) 🙂

  71. Hello its me jake and my favourite book is Secret Agent
    Jack Stalwart. The reason why this is my favourite story
    book is because I like secret Missions and Mystery books
    because I find them interesting and super cool. And the person who wrote this book was Elizabeth Singer Hunt and
    the person that illustrated this book was Brian Williamson.

  72. Its Roisin,my favorite book is by Holly Webb she’s amazing I just LOVE her books.My faveorite book by her is Lucky the rescued puppy.Its about a dog and his owners Adam & his sister.Thay go on holiday and the kids take Lucky out for a walk on the nearbuy cliff and have an fight on who gets to hold Luckys lead and Lucky does not like them fighting so he starts to wander the cliffs alone…I would recommend it as a girls book.

  73. My favouriate book is shophie and the shadoow woods the bat spirets.She basicly saves the world by fighting the monsters to get a key and gems the open the gate all the horibble creaters.The main charecter is called sophie and she is 10 years old.I like thesse books because the have really funny looking monsters and I love the drawings.It is writen by Linda chapman.I would recomend this book to a tom boy

  74. My favourite book is Red Fever the Author is Caroline Clough and it is my favourite because it is really interesting and and as soon as you read the first page you want to read more

    From Georgia

  75. My favourite book is My Brother`s Famous bottom because it is funny and it is a really good book to read when you are in a good mood.

  76. My favourite book is the diary of a wimpy kid: The Third Wheel, by Jeff Kinney. I like books that are diarys the best but I also like books by Jacqueline Wilson. Diary of a wimpy kid is my favourite because it is funny and I enjoy reading them.

  77. My faviourite book is called Extreme Wheels 2 by Top Trumps.The reason i like the book is because i love cars and everthing about them. 🙂

  78. My faviourite book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin fever by Jeff Kinney. it is my faviourite book because it is good and it is really funny

  79. My faviourite book would be all the diary of a wimpy kid books because they are so funny and they make me laugh.

  80. My favourite book is Lilly Alone. Lilly alone is about a girl who hads to look after her brother and sisters because her mum goes holiday. The book is really good!!

  81. My faviourite book is called Guess how much i love you by Sam McBratney, i love it because it is so nice and has pretty pictures.

  82. My favourite book was hard to think of because I had so many bu my favourite book would have to be Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo

  83. My favrite book is the BFG by roald dahl it is awsome and it is intresting beacuse it has lots of wow words.

  84. My favourite book is The Brilliant World Of Tom Gates.It has lots of pictures and deatail.It makes me want to read on but i was sad when i finished because i was hoping that it would last a bit longer.but it had a happy ending so i wasent sad.

  85. My favourite book is called Invisible Fiends Mr Mumbles by Barry Hutchman.My book is very mysterious,Frightening & quite adventurous.I love my book because my mum reads it to me and my two sisters.

  86. I love world book day because books are my favourite thing ever!!!!! My favourite book ever is The Land Of Stories.
    It is quite a big book it has hundreds of pages! I LOVE READING BOOKS!!!!!! books are my favourite thing ever, every book I read I can’t tear myself away from them. My book for the whole book is an adventure!

    I wish everybody in the world would read books more than they watched TV!

  87. When I was a young girl I really enjoyed reading the books about Little House in the Prairie. The author was Laura Ingalls Wilder. It was also a television programme which I really enjoyed watching.

  88. I took my faviriut book to school it was goddess girls it is my favrout book because it is all about Athena on he first and second day at Mount Olympus Academy. The authors are Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams. I love the book……………

  89. My favourite book is reptiles and amphibians
    I like this book because it is intresting and factual
    i got it from the book shelf
    i like it because its about reptiles and amphibians.

  90. I took my favourite book in it was spongebob. I liked the part when they met a icecream guy i liked it a lot.

  91. Hi I took my favourite book to school it was Polly Prices secret diary mum in love. It is about Polly and her life when she went to france. She has 2 more books I have got one of them I would love to get the other one. I chose this one because it is more intresting than the other one I have. Her pictures are couluerful that is one of the reasins I love it.

  92. My favourite book is 1000 horses, it is a Polish book. It is called `1000, because there is one-thousand pictures and beside, info about it. I got it from my auntie and uncle for my birthday.I like it becauseit has interesting fact’s and it will be easy to have a horse and care for it.

  93. My favourite book is diary of a wimpy kid the third wheel by Jeff kinney because its funny and a good story for readers like me.I got it for christmas from my mum.

  94. my favourite book is dairy of a wimpy kid because its intresting fun to read and if you havent seen the film you can just read it. the auther is jeff kinny he is a really good writer and he makes his books funny.i got it for a present 2 years ago im glad i got it

  95. My favourite book is Moshi Monster. I have learnt Moshi Monster names and what they like.

  96. On world book day 2013 I loved reading to the Nursury it was great fun.Before I done a book reviw on mrs.pepperpot I love reading.

  97. My favoueite book is tall, thin and blonde and it is by Dyan sheidon and my favoueite bit is the whole thin and I got it in a mag

  98. On world book day 2013 I loved reading to the Nursury it was great fun.Before I done a book reviw on mrs.pepper I love reading.pot

  99. My favourite book is the worst thing about my sister because it’s like me and my sister because we always fight and in the book melisa and marty always fight. I got my book from my school bookfair in p4.

  100. My favorite books are the series of pony club secrets. It’s about a girl who rides horses and goes through all sorts of adventures. I like it because I LOVE horses. I got the books from a friend called Alex.

  101. Today is world book day 2013 and evryone has brought in their favourote book my one is The Mum-Minder.Our task was to write down words to decribe the book then write some sentences using the words I roght down.

    me and a few other peple went to the Nursury to read to them for world book was really fun reading to them.I read 4 and a half books to them intill I had to go.Then I came back through to wright this it has been a fun day today.

  102. MY favourite book is all the Michael Morpurgo books because he is such a good author and good to make it so kids understand and an amazingly illistrated.I love his books.His illistrated are Christian Birmingham and Michael Foreman.

  103. My favorat book is dont be horrid henry my favorat bit is when peter kicks henry and when peter blames every thing on henry and when it said what a STINK.
    why i like it is because its funny and makes me laght and is really good and the rest of the storys like horrid henry and the secret club and horrid henry tricks the tooth fairy are so funny and its by francesca simon. where i got it at tescos in edinburgh.

  104. My favourite book is Freestyle bmx the outhor is shaun Jarvis. It is my favourite book because it has lots of cool tricks and cool bikes. And I got it from the bike shop.

  105. The 21st century joke book By Sue Mongredien
    Favorat bit is when it said How do you make a fruit punch?Give it boxing lessons.why i like it is becase it has funny jokes. where i got it for christmas…….

  106. My favourite book growing up was Matilda by Roald Dahl. I think I probably read it about 6 or 7 times and I simply loved the sentiment and the story. Who could forget Bruce Bogtrotter being made to eat a whole chocolate cake in front of the school! Simply brilliant.

  107. My favourite book is Horrid Henry Robs the Bank by Francesca Simons.
    I really like the bit when he robs the bank and he goes and buys a robodog, I wish I could have one of those ,that would be awesome

  108. When I was a little girl my favourite stories were by Enid Blyton. I especially liked The Famous Five and The Secret Seven because they were exciting and full of adventures. Nowadays I enjoy the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling and think that they appeal to both adults and children. My favourite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It is set in the deep south of America in the 1930’s and teaches us about prejudices and tolerance. I would recommend it to adults and older teenagers.

  109. My favourite book when i was little was was the famous five books by Enid Blyton because they were good stories!!!

  110. My favouirte book is Spy-dog captured by Andrew Cope. It is my favouirte book because I love to read what adventures she is going to have and that i love dogs.

  111. My fovourite book is garden birds of britain because it tells you about birdsy favourite bird is the blue titrff

  112. One of my favourite books when I was growing up was Winnie the Pooh, but I use to read a new book every day as I was totally absorbed by the adventures you could go on without leaving home!

  113. My favourite book when I was growing up was probably Black Beauty. At the moment my favourite book is Alone on the wide wide sea by Michael Morpurgo an absolutely fantastic read for ages P6 up. It is inspirational and moving, I got totally absorbed into the story. I would really recommend this book to anyone over the age of 9.

  114. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson is my favourite book. I loved it when I was twelve because of all the pirates and excitement. It also had a great main character, Jack, that I could relate to at the time. I still think this is my favourite book.

  115. It’s so hard to choose one favourite book! When I was young I use to love all the Beatrix Potter books, especially the lovely illustrations.

    I’m now a big Harry Potter fan and really enjoyed following Harry and his friends through their adventures at Hogwarts. I think the books are very cleverly written with twists, suspense, sadness, humour and excitment and a great read for children and adults.

  116. my favourite book is called lion king because its a cool book and my favourite animal is lions

  117. My favourite book is Captain underpants by Dave Pilkey the reason i like the book is because it is funny and really interesting and good illustrations.

  118. My favourite books are all the Enid Blyton books because there is lots of good vcop and illustrations i recommend the books

  119. my fav book is my sister is a vampire it is written by sienna is my favourite because every chapter there is a cliffhanger which is really exciting. my fav character is ivy which is olivias vampire sister.:-)

  120. My favroutie book is David walliams ratburger because it is funny and good illustrations 🙂

  121. my favourite books are the mum mystery by gwynith reese, black tide and red fever from caroline clough and all Jaqueline wilson books!!!! 🙂

  122. I like reading books by Cathy Kelly and Maeve Binchy because I find them easy to read after a hard day at work . As for children’s books I think Roald Dahl is an amazing author and you really can’t beat Horrid Henry for a good laugh!

  123. My favourite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It is a classic that can be read again and again.

  124. My favourite book is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. It is interesting and has a good female role model.

  125. The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak – set I Nazi Germany during the second world war and is a about the relationship between a girl fostered by a German family and a Jew hidden in the basement of the family\’s home, it is a very moving and is the only book that has made me cry!

  126. Two Books which have had a lasting impression – Long Walk to Freedom an autobiography by Nelson Mandela, Open:an Autobiography by Andre Agasse. Determination and perseverance to fulfill their goals are good ideals to aim for.

  127. On world book day 2013 we got to read to the Nursury it was graet fun. In class we were writing words about our favourate book then making the words into short sentences.

  128. On world book day 2013 I brought in my favourit noval I had so much to decide from but I chose One Dog and his Boy. I realy enjoy my book just because I love reading, the activety it was writing a book review on our books.

    In the after noon me and some more people went through to the nursary to read afew books to them and I ended up reading 14 books.

  129. My favourite books to read as a child growing up were “The famous five” and “Harry Potter”. I love any story where you get sucked into the adventure! My favourite book to read to my P2 boys and girls is “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson, we have also had great fun learning the Scots version of the book.

  130. My faveroute book’s are The Narnia Collection by C.S. Lewis and Shadow by Michael Morpurgo.

  131. My favourite book is Little Darlings by Jacqueline Wilson. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. It is about two girls who turn out to be sisters. I just love it.

  132. It’s difficult to choose one favourite book as there are so many good ones but one of my favourites is Captain Correlis Mandolin by Louis De Bernieres. I think it was based on a true story (always the best ones). It’s very romantic, has a really sad part but a happy ending.

  133. My favourite book is Ps I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. It is a bit of a weepy and I think I’ve cried every time I’ve read it, but it does have funny and happy bits in it too. The book is much better than the film.

  134. My favourite books to read to my 4 yr old son are the Dr Suess books such as- The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Theres a Wocket in my Pocket and How the Grinch stole Christmas. They are all very funny to read and have great characters and rhymes in them. I used to love them while I was little and now it is great to read them to a new generation

  135. My favourite book is the Twits by Roald Dahl beacuse yeterday after school I read the whole book and it was so funny to me. I loved the Twits!

  136. My favourite book is The Lost Puppy by Holly Webb because the puppy gets and then they find it again.

  137. Hi my favuorite book is Gangsta Granny. It is written by David Walliams I think it is very exciting. It is about a granny with a eciting secret. I think that everybody would love it like me. My favuorite part is when her grandson finds out her secet.

  138. My favourite book is diary of a wimpy kid it is by Jeff Kinney. well it is half a book and half questions.I like it because it is kind of like a comic.Also it is super funny.

  139. My favourite book is Georges Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl illustred by Quentin blake.I think this story is very funny because she takes medicine and turns into a chicken then tall then small that you cant see her.

  140. my faverite book is scret kingdom sugarsweet bakery becauseit has my name in it and it is exiting and i got it from WHsmith the best part is when a wooden box from summer and ellie and jasmine’s school jumbo sale. It hade carving’s of pixi’s and elf’s and unecorns and fary’s.

  141. Hi my favourite book is Horrid Hennry’s birthday party it’s by Franchesca Simon and illustrated by Tonny Ross.the characters are Hennry Peter Mum and Dad.My favourite part is when he notest that he’d not invited anyone to his party.

  142. My favorite book is ripleys is the series of ripleys2012/2013 because i like it becauseit gives me knowledge.And give me experice and i like seeing the gory pictures.

  143. My favourite book is the hobit I like the hobit because it is a fasanating story and a big book red the hole book in two weeks.:)

  144. It’s extremely hard to choose a favourite book. There is loads of books that I love but there is one that I love more than every single book I have and it’s called Lola Rose. I love going over and over again because it is very interesting and it is by Jaqueline Wilson,and she has done extremely well on the book.

  145. My favourite book is commando and a binweevli joke book it is very funny, the commando book is a true book, the aurtho for commando book is a commando his name is goerge. the aurtho for the bin weevil book is the bin weevil govermet

  146. A Hat trick of horrid henry

    The other of this book is Francesca simon and illustrated by tony ross.I like this book becous it has lots of funny pikchers my favrout pikcher is when he is going in a ballet position. I got my book pack for my birthday or Christmas.

  147. Books are a big part of my routine. Playing in a league that features clubs from four different countries, a European Cup, the RBS 6 Nations and in Tests in the southern hemisphere means that I travel a lot, so reading features heavily while I work. It¹s also part of my bedtime routine when I’m on the road ­ it’s not all about Playstation and watching movies.

    All of my favourite books can be called Epics, with people battling against the odds to be the best they can be, often changing the course of history in the process.
    Historical Fiction is a great way to learn as it brings the excitement and drama of the past to life, with the characters a mixture of well-known names and the lesser known figures who supported or thwarted them. I enjoy the mixture of brawn and brains. I guess this is not surprising, given the physical and tactical nature of rugby. It’s often about battling until the very end, never giving up and thinking on your feet. As an international rugby player I strive for the very best, and to have the courage and determination of so many of these characters.”Reading is not only fun and a great way to relax, it also opens our mind, engages our imagination, it can teach you many great things. From simple scientific facts, dates of historical importance to increasing your emotional intelligence through going on an adventure with the protagonist.
    Words cannot explain the importance of reading, however if you read you will see how invaluable it is!”

    Book list

    My Top Historical Fiction Novels:
    Robert Harris: Imperium
    Conn Iggulden: The Conquerer Series
    The Emperor Series

  148. My favourite book that I have ever read is Water Babies by Charles Kingsley. I never owned this book but always borrowed it from the Library.

  149. My favouite book is tinker bell because it has lots of fairys in it and Tracy beaker is my favourite book by Jacquline Wilson but I’m not sure who written the tinker bell book.My best book is Tracy beaker.

  150. My favourite book is diary of wimpy kid cabin fever because it is like real life and I find them really funny to read.

  151. My favorite book would be the time talour and the fivie castle witch trayels. I like it because it is based on fivie castle and the three ghosts get up to a lot of mistchif. Its a bit sad for Willow the good witch looses her daughter Tansy. Would you like to try the book? hu?

  152. My favourite books when I was little was the famous five by Enid Blyton, they were great adventure stories and I read them over and over again.

  153. One of my favorite books is Gangster Granny. I’ve finished reading the book but i can tell you how it ends,if you have not read it then look away right now and come out of the page or look at somone elses reply.
    **Edited by Mrs Maclean…. Jacob!! Don’t give away the ending!**
    I like the book because i like action books and it is a hilarious,awsome and a great book by David Walliams,

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!HES AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  154. One of my favourite books is Guinness World Records 2013.The book is intresting and also sometimes SCARY and sometimes unbelievable!, like the worlds smallest man/woman.
    Its my favourite book because i like what are inside of them, i have all the set but 2013 is my favourite because it has even more world records.My favourite world record is the biggest PIZZA but it makes me hungry.I think everyone should read it because i bet you’ll love it.

  155. My favourie book is called MONSTERS IN THE NIGHT. I like this book because I like wild animals and that is what it is all about.
    My favourite animals in the book are Thick Tailed Scorpion, Red Kneed Tarantula, Copperhead Snake and last but not least, Green Tree Python.

  156. My favourite books are the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. At the end of each chaper you just want to keep on reading to see what is going to happen next. The books are much better than the films.

  157. My favourite book is Valentino Ross’s biography ‘what if I never tried it’ as being a big fan I found it very enjoyable and something I could relate to

  158. My favorite book is the hungry caterpillar because my mum used to read it to me all the time when I was little and I used to read It to my kids and they loved it to

  159. The first book I really liked was five fall into adventure by Enid Blyton, it was the first book that I listened to what I was reading and realised that reading was fun so I read all the ‘five’ books that I could find. One was a sailing adventure where they sailed past a whirpool off the west coast of Scotland and reading about sailing got me interested in sailing and 20 years later I sailed past the same whirpool in an ocean racer as part of the crew.

  160. One of my favourite books was Little Women by Louisa M. Alcott. It is a story of sisters who were sometimes a bit naughty but supported each other as well as playing tricks on each other.

  161. My favourite book is billionaire boy because he has awesome stuff but he has no friends and is so funny.

  162. My favourite book is Room on the Broom and I like it because it is a poem and I like poems. It is funny.

    love from Teah.

  163. My favourite book is Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, a real page turner that my class are currently enjoying.

    Well done to the teachers and pupils who are writing this blog, very inspiring!

  164. My Favourite book is the book I am currently reading as it is too hard to choose an all time favourite. It is call The Far Pavilions, by M. M. Kaye. I like t because it is historical.

  165. When I was younger I enjoyed Brer Rabbit and Enid Blyton books, but as an adult my favourite book has to be Cross Stitch by Diana Gabaldon. It is set in Scotland and is about a Scots lady who finds out she can travel back in time by stepping through a ring of stones.

  166. One of my favourite books is Sunset Song by Lewis Grassick Gibbons. Once you pick it up you don’t want to put it down.

  167. My favourite books are Pride & Prejudice and To Kill a Mockingbird but when reading to grandchildren I really like Aliens Love Underpants and almost anything by julia Donaldson.

  168. My favourite books are diary of a wimpy kid and the worst thing about my sister because both of them kind of relate to some people and there both fantastic!! 🙂

  169. Oh, where to start?! So many favourite books when I was growing up… My ultimate has to be all the Katie Morag stories. Maybe because I had a lot in common with her as she was a fellow Islander like me!

    Currently reading my way through all the Paolo Coelho novels. He is a wonderful writer and find myself quite regularly reading his books in one sitting! 🙂

  170. My favourite book is the BFG by Roald Dahl. I have read it to all of my children and they all loved it. It has a magic touch as well as being funny. We also like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings by Tolkein, still seem so modern when you read them like there were written recently.

  171. My thanks to Jack in Primary 5 for inviting me to participate in Markethill School’s World Book Day Challenge.

    I’m delighted to see that you have already exceeded your target of 177 responses.

    My favourite book? The Complete Works of Robert Burns.

    Burns is Scotland’s literary superstar – our national poet who we have gladly shared with the rest of the world. The fact that Burns has been translated into almost every language is evidence in itself of Burns’ global popularity.

    Good luck with the rest of the Challenge.

    Alex Salmond

  172. well done all for beating your target.when i was young,my favourite reading was, greek mythology and ancient history.keep up the good work. granny s.

  173. Tony Stephen( Claire’s Dad)

    My favourite book was a book I remember from school, it was called Kes it was a very good book about a boy & his kestrel, I also recall we visited a falconry which was really good.

  174. My favourite book at the moment is a cookery book. It is “The Hairy Dieters Cookbook.” The recipes in it are easy to follow and very healthy. All the dishes I have cooked from it have tasted really yummy. When I was young, I especially liked the “Secret Seven” and “Famous Five” books by Enid Blyton. I would sometimes read a whole book in one day.

  175. Don’t be horrid Hendry by Francesca Simon p14 because it has bold writing and says”and his nappies what a STINK”. Its really funny.

  176. It’s do hard to choose one. One of my most vivid memories of being in Primary 1, a long time ago, was when my teacher read Chicken Licken to the whole class. I loved all the characters and their rhyming names, even when Foxy Loxy ate Chicken Licken at the end. Story time was my favourite time at school.

  177. my favourite book is horrid henry because its intresting and funny it is my favourite.I got it for a present last year.

  178. My favourite book is called Secret Agent Jack Stewart.I got it for Christmas from my teacher. I like it because it is exciting.


  180. MY favouite book is word football stars because it is a fact book and I got it at the school book fair.

  181. My favourite book is ‘friend or foe’. The author is Michael Morpurgo. Friend or foe is my favourite book because it is a good book to read.

  182. My favourite books are the mr men books. I like them because they are funny. I am trying to collect them all.

  183. My favourite book is cat magic because it is funny.I got it as a gift. It is by Holly Webb. It is about Lottie going on holiday with her boring uncle. I got it ages ago.

  184. I have recently read the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. I was totally hooked on these books and am finding it difficult to get into any other book now. I did buy them for my daughter but I have to say they are not really for children to read. I watched the first film and although it is very good it is not as good as the book. I always have to read the book before I watch the film, I can’t do it the other way round!

  185. My favourite book is The BFG by Roald Dahl, because I like the warm and dream-like story of the friendship between the little girl and the giant and because i am still a big kid at heart!

  186. As a child I loved to read Enid Blyton, particularly Famous Five.
    My favourite books now are The Stand by Stephen King and Watchers by Dean Koontz …
    still love reading Enid Blyton to my kids 🙂

  187. Watchers – Dean Koontz
    The Dark Half – Stephen King

    When I was a kid I was really into Roald Dahl, Spike Milligan and the like.

  188. My favourite book is I counted them all out and I counted them all back by Brain Hanrahan. Good luck with your project.

  189. My favourite book when I was younger was “The Famous Five” books by Enid Blyton, I read all the books over and over and loved hearing about their adventures. I could never understand where their parents were! Now that I am a bit more grown up I have loved reading the Harry Potter books by J K Rowling and the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. When I get a good book I can’t wait to read it all and often read too late into the night.

  190. My favourite book when I was at Nursery was Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. I read it everyday and knew all the words off by heart. I don’t like reading novels but I do like reading factual books.

  191. my favourite book is The Worst Thing About My Sister by Jackeline Wilson. It is my favourite book because it is quite funny and Jackeline Wilson is my favourite author.

  192. One of my vary favourite books is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, which is a creepy story about a young man who becomes more and more ugly inside because he knows it won’t show on his face. It is a fantasy story, not something that could really happen. The story is interesting from the start. Even though the characters are not real, the story makes us care about what happens to them.

    Other favourite books of mine are The Silver Chair by C S Lewis, The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett, Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantell and Ecclesiastes, which is attributed to King Solomon.

  193. I love all books…..

    My favourite adult book is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
    It is set during World War 11 and is about a young lass who discovers books, They give her huge solace during unspeakable times.

    All Enid Blyton books , Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Jane Austen’s books.

    It is really too difficult to speicify one.

    Enjoy reading . it is one of lifes true pleasures

  194. Hi
    many thanks for thinking of me for your project. Here is my favourite book for the moment
    “White Dolphin” by Gill Lewis is a lovely inspiring book, with wonderful
    imagery and a story that tugs at the heart strings as the heroine has lost
    her mother and has to come to terms with the loss, and does so with the help
    of the white dolphin which she helps to save. It’s one of those books that
    stay with you.

    Best wishes
    Caroline Clough, author

  195. My favourite book from when I was younger was any of the famous five books by Enid Blyton. I thought they were great because they went off on exciting adventures.
    My favourite book I have read recently was The Island by Victoria Hislop.

  196. When I was a little girl ( a long time ago!) my favourite book was The Giant Jam Sandwich by John Vernon Lord. It’s a story about a town a bit like Turriff that is beset by a plague of wasps and the town folk trap them all in a giant jam sandwich to get rid of them. It’s great fun to read and I highly recommend it!

  197. My favourite books are any of the Rebus stories by Ian Rankin. I enjoy the twists and turns of the story and also the main character. At school my favourite book was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

  198. It was hard to choose a favourite book, I have so many. So I have picked my most recent favourite which is Call The Midwife by Jennifer Worth. You may have seen the recent series on television which is based on this book. Oh how days have changed!!

  199. My favourite book when I was young was The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton, its about 3 children that move house to live beside a wood, and the adventures that happen to them as they explore the wood.
    My favourite books now that Im all grown up is the Twilight Series, and a close second the Hunger Games. Both were addictive!

  200. My favourite author when I was younger was Jaqueline Wilson and especially ‘Midnight’. Upon moving up to Academy I loved Meg Cabot books and of course the Harry Potter series. The past few years I guess my favourite books were the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyer, ‘Breaking Dawn’ was my favourite. (The Host, also by Stephanie Meyer, was really interesting too!)

  201. Mrs Rankin

    My favourite book is one I read many times as a child. It is called “Heidi” and is by Johanna Spyri. It is about a girl who goes to stay with her grandfather in the mountains of Switzerland and helps him to look after his goats. There are two follow up books called “Heidi Grows Up” and “Heidi’s Children” which I also enjoyed.

  202. Hi My favourite book is Flower Fairies Four Seasons. It takes you into a magical world of Fairies with beautiful poems that let you know all about wild flowers…… Sharon

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