To ensure the desired outcomes emerge, all children and young people should benefit from high quality learning experiences that are based on the following key features:
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Across all of our schools we would also expect that:
- The consistency of the quality of learning and teaching across classes is integral to self-evaluation and quality assurance processes to ensure improvement in outcomes for all learners.
- Staff have a clear understanding of the socio- economic cultural context and this is information is used when considering learning, teaching and assessment.
- National guidance/use of research/reviews of literature and professional learning opportunities are in place to reflect on and improve learning, teaching and assessment.
- Development time is given to discuss/reflect/monitor and evaluate the impact of approaches to learning, teaching and assessment.
- Staff have opportunities to discuss barriers to learning and implement ways to overcome these.
- Professional enquiry is used to identify where there are areas of success as well as inform improvements to practice
- Evidence from self-evaluation is used to identify areas of strength and action points for improvement.