P3 have returned to school and I am so impressed with the way the children have settled back into the school routine! We have been catching up with one another and working hard over the last week.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on instructional writing. The children have explored examples of different sets of instructions and have identified the important key features: title, equipment needed, method, bossy verbs etc. We then created our own set of instructions for growing sunflower seeds – which have now begun to grow!
Now we are back to school, we will continue to focus on a new sound each week. Our spelling words for homework will be uploaded to Google Classroom weekly, as well as a new spelling activity grid to be used for the remainder of the term.
Children will continue to read in class and will receive a book home each week. We will focus on different reading targets each week.
In Maths, we continued our topic we started during remote learning – Time. Some children are working on consolidating their understanding of o’clock and half past, whilst others have been learning about quarter past and quarter to on digital and analogue clocks.
We are revisiting our Multiplication topic we begun learning at home too. We have revised the 2, 5 and 10 times table, and we are starting to learn the 3 and 4 times table. The children are using different materials, such as Numicon and cubes, to aid their learning.
During the first week back in Health and Wellbeing, we focused on Mental Health and how we can keep our minds healthy. The children had lots of great discussions! We have been doing some daily mindfulness too, which is a big hit! Next in Health and Wellbeing, we will be focusing on Safety.
Habitats is our new topic this term! The children were very enthusiastic in sharing their ideas of what they would like to learn through our topic. So far, we have discussed what a habitat is and have looked at some simple food chains. We will learn about different habitats, such as: woodland, desert, artic and ocean!