Author: Mr Cormack

P1/2 Update January 2023

In Numeracy P2 are using all addition and subtraction to 20 facts to solve problems. Then we are going to work with numbers to 100. P1 are building on addition to 10 facts and will learn their first strategies for adding quickly. (i.e. if you add 1 to any number, you get the number after; adding zero doesn’t change numbers; always start from the larger number, check for doubles).

We are also learning about time in Maths and have been thinking about the seasons. P1 have been practising their days of the week, and P2 months of the year. Families could really help with this by talking about what activities they will do on different days, which months birthdays are in etc. P.1 will be learning to tell the time on the hour, and P2 will cover half past the hour and durations of time.

In Literacy P1 have finally got to the end of their single letter sounds and will be revising all of them along with their letter formation. We will begin to learn sounds made of 2 letters, read cvc words and recognise some high frequency words. P2 are learning about verbs in Grammar and will be finding out about past, present and future. They also began working on improving their comprehension, answering different types of questions about their reading books.

In French we have been enjoying a number of games to help us learn colours and we will be continuing to use these. In our Art lessons we are looking at different works from Aberdeen Art Gallery, starting with ‘Afterglow’, a lovely winter painting by Joseph Farquharson, painted in the forest of Birse on the Finzean estate. If you are in Aberdeen, pop into the Art Gallery to see it.

We started a mini topic about Scotland where we were learning about the world around us, Robert Burns, Scottish food and listening to Scots language. This will lead us into our next topic where we will investigate where our food comes from, including talking about seasons, local food, sources and healthy diet. If any parents would like to come and to the class on any of the topics, they would be most welcome!

P2/3 Term 3 Newsletter

In numeracy this term we will be focusing on subtraction.  The children will be carrying out either 2-digit, 3-digit or 4-digit subtraction sums, using the correct mathematical vocabulary.  We will be learning different strategies to support us i.e., using concrete materials, counting back on a number line/number square whilst also building our mental agility skills through active learning activities.  To support the children with their learning you can write out sums for them to answer, ask them sums to work out in their head or they can play interactive games on a device such as – In mathematics this term we will be learning money.  Our addition and subtraction skills will help us with our learning in money.


In literacy, we will be developing our writing skills through developing our ability to use a variety of openers, connectives and extending our vocabulary that we can use in our writing.  We will also be improving our punctuation skills, understanding where and when you can use a comma, exclamation mark and question mark.  Our topic this term is Julia Donaldson stories therefore we will use these to explore ‘Wow’ words which we can use in our own writing.


In Health and Wellbeing, we will be discussing our growing bodies and what the correct names for parts of our bodies are.  We will also be discussing that my body belongs to me and learning the importance of personal space.  In p.e. we will be participating in Scottish Country Dancing and then we will be learning gymnastics and how we can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences.

P6/7 Term 3

Over the next few weeks, P6/7 will be focusing on Scots Language as the children learn their poems. We will be practising our performance skills with Ms Casasola.

In writing this term, we will be learning about the structure of a story and will be exploring the link between setting, plot and atmosphere by writing our own imaginative stories. To finish off our Scottish Parliament topic, we will be creating our own manifestos and will be learning about persuasive language.

We will be starting a new class novel linked to our next topic, World War 2. We will continue to develop our comprehension skills, as well as our expression and pace when reading aloud.

In Maths, we are starting with Time this term. We will be revising reading analogue and digital clocks and AM/PM conversion. The children will go on to learn how to research and read timetables. We will learn how to calculate time intervals using the counting on method (see below).

We will then go on to learn about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We will be doing lots of practical and outdoor activities to consolidate the children’s learning.

In Health and Wellbeing, P6/7 are starting the term by focusing on Food and Health. We will be learning about diets in different cultures, and food intolerances/allergies, as well as how to prepare food safely.

In a few weeks, we will move on to our new topic: World War 2. If parents/carers have any suggestions on what you would like us to learn about, please do get in touch – we would love to have your input into our planning!

Primary 4-5 Curriculum News – January 2023

In numeracy this term, Primary 4-5 have been practicing their multiplication and are next moving on to division with Miss Riley. This has and will involve lots of practice of times tables and the children are working really hard on this. The children will be learning about money will Miss Davie. This involves identifying coins and notes, using combinations of coins and notes to give change and demonstrating awareness of the use of digital technologies to pay for goods. The children will then be moving on to fractions, decimals and percentages.


In literacy, Primary 4-5 will be doing reflective reading with Miss Davie using Robert Burns’ poem – To A Louse. They will continue to answer questions and carry out higher order thinking tasks on their reading books with Miss Riley weekly. The class are learning their Burns Poems and we will continue to watch Newsround most days and discuss relevant stories. The children are working on responding respectfully to their peers in these situations. For writing this term, Primary 4-5 will be researching and using their notes to create non-fiction texts. Later in the term, we will be moving on to writing newspaper reports and identifying the features of these.


In health and wellbeing, the class are working on ‘me and my relationships’. This identifies the children’s important people in their lives and how to make and keep connections with these people. We are then moving on to ‘valuing difference’ which celebrates that everyone is different and brings in elements of gender, race etc. Then we will cover ‘keeping safe’ which has elements of drugs, alcohol, internet safety and road safety.


Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt, and the children are very excited to get stuck into this. We would like to learn about gods and goddesses, important figures, jobs, hierarchy, mummification and tombs, architecture and I’m sure more learning will crop up as we go! We are also going to learn a class assembly / show based on Ancient Egypt later in the term which we will invite you in to see – more information to follow!