Tag: Activities

Resources to support learning at home

These resources are for families to use at home. One file is for nursery/primary age, with some links relevant for babies/toddlers. Another is for secondary age. The third came from Peterhead ASL team who were happy for it to be shared. These resources will be helpful for bilingual families, but most will helpful for all families.

There are a range of activities with some links to translated information and resources that can help families.

Aberdeenshire EAL – Resources to support learning while at home – Primary & Nursery

Aberdeenshire EAL – Resources to support learning while at home – Secondary

ASL Ideas (002) from Peterhead ASL


Spanish links

Bilingual activities and links:


http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/mividaloca/ (soap opera in Spanish)





http://www.wordle.net/ to create Semantic fields and Mind maps.






Useful expression for teachers:

  • Tidy up time/time to tidy up  vamos a ordenar la clase.
  • Listening time/time to listen tiempo para escuchar
  • Snack time/time for snack     Tiempo de recreo/ desayuno
  • Gym time/time for gym         la hora de gimnasia
  • Story time                                  vamos a contar un  cuento
  • Music time/time for music       tiempo para la musica
  • Toilet?                                            El servicio?
  • Wash hands                                   lavar las manos
  • Circle/make a circle                    haz un circulo
  • Outside play time                        vamos a jugar fuera
  • Yes                                                   si
  • No                                                     no
  • Thank you                                         gracias
  • Please                                                por favor







Spanish is read as you see it..

A as in cat

E as in elephant

I as in IN

O as in oat/long

U as in you.