P5-7 Braemar School

Braemar School works together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

November 12, 2020
by Alexis Leigh

100 wc

    …. if only it was a bit smaller ….              One day there was a girl called Rose and it was her birthday. Her mum and dad got her a dolphin, Rose had seen her, and it was like love at first sight. Rose decided to name her Raven, so her mum and dad had put Raven in the pool, that was her home now. But she still wasn’t impressed because Raven was too big, so Rose said, “if only she was a bit smaller”. and the only idea Rose had was to buy a magic wand, so she bought the magic wand. Of course, there was no magic, if only a miracle could happen. A miracle did happen, and Raven was back to normal and they lived happily ever after. THE END 


November 12, 2020
by User deactivated


If only it was a bit smaller. I could go on this bike, but I can’t reach the pedals if, I could reach the pedals then I would  be having so much fun that my head would pop of. So we need to come up with a solution, my first idea would be to go on it again to see if I could figure something out up there. What I mean by going up there is that I have to climb 8,848m to get the saddle if you are smart than you would know that 8,848m is the same as MT  Everest and that’s pretty high. Let’s cut the bike YEAH

November 12, 2020
by Ni Luh Abigail Elizabeth
1 Comment

The gold key

…if only it was a bit smaller said Emily to her pug Doug clutching the gold key her grandma  gave her. She remembered the exact words her grandma  told her this key holds many secrets waiting to be discovered Emily said to herself whilst staring at the brown oak door. That magically appeared in the woods near her garden. She tried the key one more time but it didn’t work she kicked a tree in frustration . Then all of a sudden Doug ran away barking Emily followed him to reveal a group of Fairies.

November 12, 2020
by Olivia Lucy

The Weird Hamster

If only it was a bit smaller.” sighed Lauren. How can I keep this hamster in the house? She wondered after her friends had left her birthday party. Lauren’s friend Sarah had bought Lauren a hamster online and only realised it was giant the day of Lauren’s birthday party. Then Lauren remembered the wise old woman who lived in an old rickety house at the top of a hill in the village Lauren lived in. Lauren trudged up the hill pulling the hamster behind her. The old woman found a spell book, she muttered a few words and poof the hamster flashed and was normal sized again. 

November 12, 2020
by Lewis Derek

100wd challenge

One day I went to buy a pug and it was really good owning him until one day he grew 11 feet tall! If only he was a bit smaller and a even bigger problem just occurred to me I’m gonna have to change his name because he is called tiny and I’m also going have to move because when he snores it literally broke my neighbours windows. But if I want to move my tiny well ginormous is gonna have to run behind my r33 GTR because my car’s just a bit smaller than the pugs tail so we bought a farm house with farmland

November 12, 2020
by Julia Zuzanna

The too big turtle

If only it was a bit smaller I said. The pet shop said the turtle was small but no, hes MASSIVE so i decided to call him Massive.I resized he was too big for hes tank. So i had to make him a new one. It took two to three hours but it was worth it Massive was so happy.He swam but two days later I went back to the pet shop to complain but they didn’t listen. I was happy with Massive but suddenly the house started to flood I grabbed Massive and swam out. We are happy now and Massive is bigger now.

 The end

By Julia

November 12, 2020
by Ajay

The gigantic Subaru

If only it was a bit smaller. I said my Subaru is too big. It is too big to drive. So I have to go sell it for £200 thousand pounds. I bought the same car but smaller. It was blue and had bronze rims on it with a big exhaust pipe. By Ajay

November 12, 2020
by Robin Adam John
1 Comment

The 100 word challenge

“If only it was a bit smaller” said the general to his men. “This door is too big the enemies will easily see it we will be blown to bits” Then I came in saying “look what I have, I just traded my rifle for a M1465 look at the size of the bullet” then I pulled out a giant bullet “look how far it can fire” “if the enemy’s attack we will be well guarded by this fine gun” said the general. And then just as the general said that I pulled out my gun and destroyed the enemies!

November 12, 2020
by Maddalena

The magic bear

Oh, thank you for the giant teddy. It is so cool I’m going to go and bring it up to my room. Oh no it does not fit if only it was a bit smaller. How am I going to sleep with it now? Oh, look it looks like it is getting smaller. What is going on it is still not fitting on my bed though! Oh, look he blinked now he has waved and licked his lips. Oh, look he can fit on my bed. How? What, now he has some jam.  

By Maddalena 

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