Tag Archives: P6

Huntly Castle Tour Guide Launch

This afternoon the launch of the 4th year of Huntly Castle Tour Guides took place at Huntly Castle. A group of p5’s, who will be going up to P6 next session have been training hard at learning how to deliver a tour to groups of school children and other visitors to Huntly Castle. All the p5s have been learning a song from Elizabethan times, helped by Keith Cockburn.

Parents, members of the local community, Lumsden School  and the Huntly Express were all invited.

The new tour guides walked down to the castle, accompanied by the bagpipes, played by Jack McGowan.

The p5s sang a song connected to Huntly Castle, accompanied by Keith Cockburn. Other entertainment included a dance called the Pavanne, based on dances from the 17th century. The tour guides then delivered their first tour.

After that a group of children served refreshments.

The afternoon went very well  and we wish the new tour guides every success!

Thanks you also to the present P6 tour guides who have done a wonderful job of delivering tours this session!

See more photos here on the tour guide page on the right.


The P6 pupils who had taken part in GOTCHA told the school about their experiences at the US assembly.

They explained how they had to apply to be a part of GOTCHA, saying what skills and strengths they would bring to the group.

Then they told about their training; learning how to put up a tent, to use a map and compass and to work together as a team.

Then they told us about their experiences on the overnight camping trip. They had to walk through the Bin Forest to their destination. All groups got lost at some point, but they all arrived at their destination safely. They help to cook food in the evening, and most enjoyed eating the cheesy pasta. They all enjoyed the pancakes and marshmallows! They thanked the staff and parents who helped them and who also camped overnight with them.Everyone had a great time and got a lot from the experience!

All the pupils who took part in Gotcha were given a certificate. Well done!

Sports Championships

Achievements in Sport were celebrated at assembly today.

The four swimmers (Pietra, Jasmine, Leah and Katie) who recently took part in the Swimming Championship showed pupils and staff a video of their races. They came 9th in the national competition. Well done!

The Primary 7 Sports champions were also announced at assembly.

Runners up are Lucy B, Cameron R, Jack H  and James M

The overall Girls Winner was Jasmine E and the boys winner was Owen M. All champions received a small trophy to keep, while the overall winners have their names engraved on a school trophy to be kept at school and presented yearly.

Well done everyone!

Sports day

Tuesday 18Th June 2013  the upper stages all attended down at the field. Parents to come down and watch us too.  Everyone was really good. It was really fun and everyone took part. We are really excited to hear the results. First classes took part in fun races , like  the monkey run,the three legged race, the crab race, football dribbling and the five shirt race. Then every class took part in a flat race. Everyone was pleased that the weather was good enough to hold sports day, epecially the p4s, who had not had a sports day for 2 years!

We are now hoping that the weather is good enough for the Lower Stages to be able to have their sports tomorrow!

Castle Extravaganza!

Last Sunday (16th June) the Castle Tour Guides joined in an event at Huntly Castle that had been organised as a Fathers Day treat. Also at the castle were members of the Sealed Knot, a historical re-enactment group. They were dressed as Jacobites and had a wonderful assortment of old weapons such as muskets, rifles, axes and even 17th century bombs!

We all got quite a shock when the Sealed Knot soldiers fired their muskets during the tour! Luckily the tour Guides soon recovered their composure and carried on with the tour once they had stopped laughing.


After completing a few weeks of training, a group of intrepid P6 and 7s are leaving this Thursday for an adventure in the Bin Forest. They will be spending the day walking to their destination, using maps and compasses to find their way. Once there, they will put up their tents and camp overnight in the Bin! They will be cooking their food on a camping stove. Mr Wood, Mrs McAdam, Miss Coutts will be joining them. We are sure they will have a great time and are looking forward to hearing about their experiences.

Scottish Schools!

On Wednesday19th of June Jasmine (P7),Leah  (P6),Katie(P6) and Me (P6) are going to go to Edinburgh to compete in an event called Scottish Schools. We will be doing the front crawl relay. We have to swim 50 meters (2 lengths).  My time is 37:09, Leah’s time is 39:98, Katie’s time is 38:56 and Jasmine’s time is 32:62!  We all have really good times and we hope to get PB’s (Personal Best). Our time all together is 1.48.25 (1 Minute 48 Seconds And 25 milliseconds) Our coach Ivan is very happy with our times,  but he hopes we can get a bit faster. We have to work very hard and train for one and a half  to two  hours a day. We train for three to five days a week!

By Pietra (P6A Blogger)

Cricket Championship!

P6 are away to Stoneywood to do a cricket championship for Gordon Primary, all of us have wished them good luck! They have been praticing hard with a really good cricket coach called Neil Nicol. We have got our fingers crossed that they come back to school with a trophy. The cricketers seemed happy that they have got this far and we are happy for them too! 

By Chris P6A (Blogger)

Book Author

An author came to visit P6-P7. The author`s name is Caroline Clough. She has written a book called the Red Fever, Black Tide and is writing a new book  just now. She told us about how she got her ideas and how she goes about writing her books.

She also let us buy her books.

By Cameron( P6 Blogger)

Learning Council

Elections are being held next Thursday (6th June 2013)!

The Learning Council is where class representatives and a group of teachers  meet regularly as a group to take forward and discuss the school!

Each class will elect 2 members to be in the council. The election will take place in term 4 of each year!

The learning council will discuss what is happening in school, making plans for improving the life of school, reps share the work of the council at assemblies, collect ideas from their classes and share at meetings.

They will meet 2 times in a term.

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)