Tag Archives: P5

Sharing Assemblies

This week it was the turn of P5a (Ms Barrerre’s class) and P6b (Mrs   Fitzpatrick’s  class) to share what they have been learning at the upper stages assembly.

P5B have been studying the BFG by Roald Dahl. They started to think about what giants might eat, and decided they might like brains and bones. They found out many interesting facts about the brain, including how much an adult brain weighs (over a kilo!) and which part of the brain do different jobs. They also found out about bones, such as how many bones in a adults body and the names of different types of bones. They created some lovely artwork about the BFG and found out about the author.

P6 read some exciting pieces of writing they had done over the term including a class collaboration (which we hope to post here soon). They told us about the Health Award they were working towards.

It was very interesting to hear what both classes had been doing.

P5s topic

The two P5 classes are doing a topic on the novel the B.F.G and they have to find out different things to do with Roahl Dahl for their homework and they have also read the book then listened to the audio. They have found out quite a lot of information.We are finding the book interesting and funny

by Ellie  p5 glow blogger