Tag Archives: P5

Huntly Castle Tour Guide Launch

This afternoon the launch of the 4th year of Huntly Castle Tour Guides took place at Huntly Castle. A group of p5’s, who will be going up to P6 next session have been training hard at learning how to deliver a tour to groups of school children and other visitors to Huntly Castle. All the p5s have been learning a song from Elizabethan times, helped by Keith Cockburn.

Parents, members of the local community, Lumsden School  and the Huntly Express were all invited.

The new tour guides walked down to the castle, accompanied by the bagpipes, played by Jack McGowan.

The p5s sang a song connected to Huntly Castle, accompanied by Keith Cockburn. Other entertainment included a dance called the Pavanne, based on dances from the 17th century. The tour guides then delivered their first tour.

After that a group of children served refreshments.

The afternoon went very well  and we wish the new tour guides every success!

Thanks you also to the present P6 tour guides who have done a wonderful job of delivering tours this session!

See more photos here on the tour guide page on the right.

Tour guide launch

Good luck to all the tour guides who will be doing their first tour tomorrow at the Grand Launch!

The new tour giudes 2012/2014 are

group 1

Faye  and Lucas             Caitlin and Christy

Group 2

Philippa and  Mitch           Fiona H  and Aimee

Group 3

Tasmin and  Lola      Ellie and liam

Group 4

Liam and Hannah    Fiona B and Heather

group 5

Freya and Nicole   Norah and Ali

So back to the tour guide launch. It will take place on Wednesday the 3RD of July. There will be 5 tours. The first 3 groups will guide the pupils and staff of Lumsden Primary around the castle. Everyone’s parents or guardians are coming along to watch the fabulous show. Other important people from the community have been invited, such as members of Huntly Development Trust (Donald Boyd and Fiona Manson), Claudia Zeiske from Deveron Arts, Pat Scott from the Huntly Express and many other people.

The tour guides will be wearing 17th Century costumes. They will be piped down by Jack McGowan. All P5s have a part to play. Some will be singing an elizabethan song, accompanied by Keith Cockburn and others will be dancing a Pavanne. Some pupils will be  handing out refreshments at the end of the tour.

This is a copy of the invite.



Gordon Primary Huntly Castle Junior Tour Guides request the pleasure of your company at our Grand Launch.

On Wednesday the 3rd of July 2013

At Huntly Castle*

From 1:30 – 3:00

Refreshments will be provided.

Please R.S.V.P. by Monday the 24th of June 2013

*Huntly Castle location weather permitting

P5 At Culloden

There have been many,many fun and exciting events happening all at the same time. One of them has been the trip to Culloden for Primary 5. The p5 classes have been learning about the Jacobites and the Jacobite rising.

Both primary 5 classes attended and most came back happy and cheerful, others came back a bit unhappily because they did not get to see the museum but they enjoyed the rest of it.

Inside the building there was a little cafeteria,museum,gift shop and the education room and that is were the p5s went.

In the education room, we were all given tags to wear around our necks, They were three different colours and those colours were Red which represented a Government army supporter, Blue that represented a Jacobite supporter and white that represented people that had not made their mind up or  don’t support either of the sides. Four of the cards had names on them such as Francis Townley, Anne Mackintosh, James Mackintosh, Anne McKay and a couple more; the p5 got to dress up as them. There were 4 main countries that fought in the Jacobite’s and government troops and they were France who were Jacobite’s, the highlands and lowlands were also Jacobite’s.  The Scot’s and the English were a mixture and many people would risk their lives to protect their countries and regions. When we were out on the Culloden moor, we saw a little cottage that we thought was a black house at first but it wasn’t. The cottage was where the Jacobite’s camped during their wait for the government troops.

It was a very long journey to Culloden and back and to occupy ourselves we sang  and sang and sang to our hearts content. some people though did not feel well and they were sick ! But everyone had a great time, and learnt a lot on their trip.

Sports day

Tuesday 18Th June 2013  the upper stages all attended down at the field. Parents to come down and watch us too.  Everyone was really good. It was really fun and everyone took part. We are really excited to hear the results. First classes took part in fun races , like  the monkey run,the three legged race, the crab race, football dribbling and the five shirt race. Then every class took part in a flat race. Everyone was pleased that the weather was good enough to hold sports day, epecially the p4s, who had not had a sports day for 2 years!

We are now hoping that the weather is good enough for the Lower Stages to be able to have their sports tomorrow!

Learning Council

Elections are being held next Thursday (6th June 2013)!

The Learning Council is where class representatives and a group of teachers  meet regularly as a group to take forward and discuss the school!

Each class will elect 2 members to be in the council. The election will take place in term 4 of each year!

The learning council will discuss what is happening in school, making plans for improving the life of school, reps share the work of the council at assemblies, collect ideas from their classes and share at meetings.

They will meet 2 times in a term.

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Healthy Thursday

The p5 have been doing  Healthy Thursday. On Thursday the class is split into three groups. Each group gets to do  sports, cooking and forestry over the whole day. P5a did it for four weeks and now P5b the other class do it for four weeks .  At the sports the p5s did hockey and touch rugby.At the forestry you do some challenges like blind fold games and one 0f them we got to go to the meadow woods and light fires.

by sophie(p5) at glow bug bloggers


P5A\B have started their  Bikeability training.

They have been training to get their bikeability certificates. They are learning how to ride their bikes safely,  learning how to set off safely, right and left hand turns, how to do correct hand signals.

By Cameron(P6A Blogger)

Tree Planting 2013

Every class from p4 to p7 has been tree planting last week.We planted black thorn,hazelnut,wild cherry and pine and we did it in the meadows.We had to dig the whole with a fancy shovel and made sure the roots were covered and patted it down and then put a bit of wood what is called a stake beside it  and then put a tree guard around it. When we get older we will have fun watching them grow. I think every one had fun and so did I!

Keith And Pam Cockburn

Before our  Easter holidays, Keith and Pam Cockburn came into Gordon Primary to work with Primary 5. The workshops, which ran over 4 weeks, were organised by Deveron Arts. P5 learned a lot of different songs including a few connected to their project the Jacobites. Those songs were called: Ye Jacobites By Name and the Skye Boat Song. Some of the other songs that they learned were called:Murder In The Chip Shop, Ye Cannie Shove Yer Granny, 3 Craws ,  Me Maws A Milionaire, Loch Lomand, Wild Mountain and many others. Keith And Pam were lovely people. Keith plays the Guitar, and Pam plays the Violin.

BY Caitlin p5