Tag Archives: outdoors education


The P6 pupils who had taken part in GOTCHA told the school about their experiences at the US assembly.

They explained how they had to apply to be a part of GOTCHA, saying what skills and strengths they would bring to the group.

Then they told about their training; learning how to put up a tent, to use a map and compass and to work together as a team.

Then they told us about their experiences on the overnight camping trip. They had to walk through the Bin Forest to their destination. All groups got lost at some point, but they all arrived at their destination safely. They help to cook food in the evening, and most enjoyed eating the cheesy pasta. They all enjoyed the pancakes and marshmallows! They thanked the staff and parents who helped them and who also camped overnight with them.Everyone had a great time and got a lot from the experience!

All the pupils who took part in Gotcha were given a certificate. Well done!

Park trip

Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday 2cnd July) my  class  went  to  the  Deveron  park.

First  we  went  to  the  stream  to  let  some  frogs  free.

Then  we  went  to  the  Cooper  Park  for about 40  to  50  minutes . I went on the spider web .  It was  really fast.  I fell  off of the spider web!

After that   we  went  to  the  Deveron  park for about 30  minutes. We all  ran to the water side and took our shoes off. Then we went into the water.

Then  Miss  Sell told us  it was  three o’Clock so we headed back  to school.

By Nathan (P4C)

Deveron Walk

Our class p4c went to the Deveron  on Thursday the 27th June 2013.

First we had a short play in the park and then we went for a walk  right along the Deveron.

Then we went under the bridge.

After that we went through the Meadows  and  some people saw their trees that they planted last month.  And then we took a short cut  to the Deveron. We had a paddle in the water.  We made a bridge to get over to the bigger stones. I forgot to say we had  lunch there .

We had fun and then went back to the school. It was very good.

By Keira and Cara (P4C)

Tree Planting 2013


Last Thursday p7s came back from Glenshee. They had an amazing time there. These are some of the activities that they were doing. – raft building , rock climbing ,and they even did some arts and crafts . Staff at the Compass Christian Centre commented on the good behaviour of the p7s and on how well they co operated with each other.

The boys had to go up a lot of steps to get to their rooms and so did the girls. The teachers that went there were  Mrs McIntosh, Mr Wood, Mr Scrimshaw and Miss Philp Smith.  They all  had an amazing time there.

by ellie craib p5 blogger

Peregrine Watch Trip

First we went on the bus  to the  peregrine  watch,  then  we played a game. Then we went pond dipping  for 20  minutes.   Next  we  went fishing for shrimp. I saw a frog that had no fear of a human.

Then we went hiking up a hill –  it took ten to thirty minutes  to get up the hill.

Then we all had our  lunch then we  went to the hide to look at wildlife. The peregrine  was  not there  but  when we  all got on the bus I saw a great big bird .

By nathan P4C


The p7s are looking forward to going to Glenshee next week.  They will be staying at the Compass Christian Centre for four nights. They are prepared for their trip, taking walking boots and waterproofs. They will probably be doing some activities like rock climbing, canoeing, orienteering, climbing and other exciting outdoor activities. We are sure they will have a great time!

by ellie p5 blogger


After completing a few weeks of training, a group of intrepid P6 and 7s are leaving this Thursday for an adventure in the Bin Forest. They will be spending the day walking to their destination, using maps and compasses to find their way. Once there, they will put up their tents and camp overnight in the Bin! They will be cooking their food on a camping stove. Mr Wood, Mrs McAdam, Miss Coutts will be joining them. We are sure they will have a great time and are looking forward to hearing about their experiences.

P4 Trip to the Bin Quarry

We had an amazing time at the peregrine centre last week because there was lots of things to do. We learned that  the peregrines pluck the feather’s and then eats its pray then spits out the bones. We found out that an eagle eats a peregrine and a peregrine eats a heron. We went pond dipping Estera and Kajus caught a male newt and a female  newt and lots of different bugs. There was a stream so we had to find shrimps Jade, Zoe and Cerys found 30 in the coldest stream and 52 in the hotter stream. We did a challenge it was boys vs girls; we had to build a roundhouse . BY JADE & ESTERA  (p4)

Nursery Bug Hunt

The nursery pupils were looking for bugs in the Nursery garden. They found worms, woodlice, snails and even a cat!!  The good places where they found lots of bugs were in the soil and under the fence. They observed the minibeasts carefully and talked about how it was important not to harm small creatures.